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A culture must satisfy basic vital needs such as health and autonomy. These are considered things necessary to life.

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food and water

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Q: What basic needs for a person must be met to survive and function?
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How many basic needs does a person have?

Basic needs are relative to a standard of living however, to simply survive, it is necessary to breathe, eat, drink, sleep, and defecate. Nothing else is required, so by that total there are 5 basic needs that a person can have. It should be noted that shelter may be included depending on what your standards of a basic need is.

Why is your basic needs more important than your higher needs?

Basic needs such as food, water, shelter, and safety are essential for survival, whereas higher needs such as self-fulfillment or self-esteem are important for personal growth and well-being. Without meeting basic needs, it is difficult to focus on higher needs. In the hierarchy of needs, basic needs form the foundation on which higher needs can be built.

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they need food to live

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The energy a cell needs to survive and function.

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Staple food gives your body everything it needs to survive and function properly. -ebush

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The basic function of a report is to summarize something. Reports give an idea of what has been done or needs to be done for example.

What are the basic needs that have to be met to people to live?

to survive we need water, food and warmth

John Smith is a person All people need to breathe oxygen John Smith needs to breathe oxygen?

Yes, John Smith is a person, and like all people, he needs to breathe oxygen to survive. This is a basic biological need for all humans.

What kind of shelter does a coyote have?

it needs to have plenty of water and they live in the forest

When does a person needs a glucouse?

A person needs Glucose everyday. Our bodies can't and won't function without it.

What are the basic needs of individual?

An individual's needs include food, shelter and water. These three basic needs will help a person to stay healthy and safe.

What are the basic physical needs that have to be met for people to live?

to survive we need water, food and warmth