Saturn's atmosphere is composed of mostly hydrogen. It also consists of helium, ammonia, and methane. Nitrogen and oxygen are small elements mixed within the atmosphere as well.
(its temperature depends on the altitude the mean temperature at earth standard atmosphere pressure is 134 K which is pretty cold)
Saturn has a similar atmospheric composition to Jupiter
it consists primarily of hydrogen and contains helium ammonia and methane
trace amount of ethane have also been detected
Yes, Saturn has a mostly hydrogen and helium atmosphere with traces of other gases such as methane and ammonia. The atmosphere is thick and composed of multiple layers, with strong winds and storms.
Titan, Saturn's largest moon, has an atmosphere that contains methane, which makes up about 1.4% of its atmosphere. The dense atmosphere on Titan is primarily composed of nitrogen, similar to Earth's atmosphere.
Saturn's atmosphere is composed primarily of hydrogen and helium, with small amounts of methane, ammonia, and other trace gases. It does not have a breathable atmosphere like Earth.
Yes, Enceladus, a moon of Saturn, has a very thin atmosphere composed mostly of water vapor, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen. The atmosphere is believed to come from ice volcanoes that erupt water vapor into space.
Saturn's atmosphere is mainly composed of hydrogen (around 96.3%) and helium (about 3.25%). Trace amounts of other gases like methane, ammonia, and water vapor are also present. The high concentration of hydrogen gives Saturn its characteristic yellowish color.
I would think Saturn.
It is composed of hydrogen and helium making breathing impossible!
Yes, Saturn has a mostly hydrogen and helium atmosphere with traces of other gases such as methane and ammonia. The atmosphere is thick and composed of multiple layers, with strong winds and storms.
Titan, Saturn's largest moon, has an atmosphere that contains methane, which makes up about 1.4% of its atmosphere. The dense atmosphere on Titan is primarily composed of nitrogen, similar to Earth's atmosphere.
Jupiter and Saturn are mostly made of atmosphere, with Jupiter's atmosphere consisting mostly of hydrogen and helium, while Saturn's atmosphere is also primarily composed of hydrogen and helium, with traces of other elements.
Saturn's atmosphere is composed primarily of hydrogen and helium, with small amounts of methane, ammonia, and other trace gases. It does not have a breathable atmosphere like Earth.
Saturn does have an atmosphere, but it is primarily composed of hydrogen and helium. Other gases present in smaller amounts include methane, ammonia, and traces of other hydrocarbons. Unlike Earth's atmosphere, Saturn's atmosphere is much thicker, with its famous bands and storms dominated by high-speed winds.
None of Jupiter's Galilean moons are composed mostly of nitrogen. Ganymede is primarily composed of water ice, while Callisto, Europa, and Io are composed of a mix of rock and ice. Nitrogen is more commonly found in the atmosphere of Titan, a moon of Saturn.
Yes, Enceladus, a moon of Saturn, has a very thin atmosphere composed mostly of water vapor, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen. The atmosphere is believed to come from ice volcanoes that erupt water vapor into space.
There is more than one element in planet Saturn, but 96% of Saturn is composed of hydrogen. There is also a little helium, and some ammonia ice, among others.
Yes, Saturn has a thick atmosphere primarily composed of hydrogen and helium. It also contains traces of compounds like methane and ammonia. The atmosphere of Saturn is known for its turbulent weather patterns, including powerful storms and winds.
Saturn has a thick atmosphere composed mostly of hydrogen and helium, along with trace amounts of other gases. The atmosphere is much denser than Earth's atmosphere, despite not having a solid surface.