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Q: What astronomer made much more precise observations than previous astronomers made?
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What names are derived from these words for the people who study astronomy and cosmology?

An astronomer.Ans 2.An astronomer studies anything that is not on earth; many astronomers study the moon, or one or more planets, or the solar system as a whole. The study of the Universe as a whole is cosmology; the person who studies it is a cosmologist.

What did brahe accomplish?

Tycho Brahe was a Danish astronomer known for his accurate and extensive observations of the positions of planets and stars. His work laid the foundation for Kepler's laws of planetary motion and contributed to the overthrow of the geocentric model of the universe. Brahe's data also led to advancements in the understanding of planetary orbits and the structure of the solar system.

Do astronomers know how galaxies are formed?

Astronomers have various theories on how galaxies are formed, including the idea that they started as small clumps of matter that grew through mergers and collisions. Observations and simulations have provided insights into the evolution of galaxies over billions of years, but the precise details of galaxy formation remain an area of active research and ongoing discovery.

How many astronomers are religious?

There is no precise data on the exact number of astronomers who are religious, as beliefs can vary widely among individuals. However, surveys have shown that a significant portion of scientists in general (including astronomers) identify as religious or spiritual to some extent. Ultimately, the relationship between science and personal beliefs is a complex and multifaceted issue.

Definition of quantative and qualitive observation?

Quantitative observation involves measurements or numerical data, while qualitative observation involves descriptions based on qualities such as color, shape, or texture. Quantitative observations are often objective and precise, whereas qualitative observations are more subjective and descriptive in nature.

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What names are derived from these words for the people who study astronomy and cosmology?

An astronomer.Ans 2.An astronomer studies anything that is not on earth; many astronomers study the moon, or one or more planets, or the solar system as a whole. The study of the Universe as a whole is cosmology; the person who studies it is a cosmologist.

What did brahe accomplish?

Tycho Brahe was a Danish astronomer known for his accurate and extensive observations of the positions of planets and stars. His work laid the foundation for Kepler's laws of planetary motion and contributed to the overthrow of the geocentric model of the universe. Brahe's data also led to advancements in the understanding of planetary orbits and the structure of the solar system.

Do astronomers know how galaxies are formed?

Astronomers have various theories on how galaxies are formed, including the idea that they started as small clumps of matter that grew through mergers and collisions. Observations and simulations have provided insights into the evolution of galaxies over billions of years, but the precise details of galaxy formation remain an area of active research and ongoing discovery.

What does technology mean to astronomer?

As technology improves, the astronomer gains more precise vision, and much more vision. The things that Galileo could see were a pittance when compared to what we can see now.

Who used a mural quardant to record very precise observations of the planets and stars?

Tycho Brahe, a Danish astronomer from the 16th century, used a mural quadrant to record precise observations of the planets and stars. He made significant contributions to the field of astronomy and his observational data laid the groundwork for Johannes Kepler's laws of planetary motion.

What is a more accurate way to make observations of an object?

A more accurate way to make observations of an object is to use scientific instruments like microscopes, spectrometers, or sensors to gather data in a controlled and precise manner. This allows for more objective and detailed observations compared to relying solely on human senses.

Taken to improve the accuracy of observations?

Improving the accuracy of observations can be achieved by increasing sample size, using precise measurement tools, minimizing biases in data collection, and conducting repeated measurements for validation. Through these methods, the reliability and credibility of observations can be enhanced to provide more accurate results.

How many astronomers are religious?

There is no precise data on the exact number of astronomers who are religious, as beliefs can vary widely among individuals. However, surveys have shown that a significant portion of scientists in general (including astronomers) identify as religious or spiritual to some extent. Ultimately, the relationship between science and personal beliefs is a complex and multifaceted issue.

What systems is Halo Reach on?

The same as ALL PREVIOUS Halo games, Xbox. Well....the Xbox 360 to be precise.

Whose successor is a baby born at the precise moment of the previous titleholders death?

In Tibetan Buhdism, the "Dali Lama".

Definition of quantative and qualitive observation?

Quantitative observation involves measurements or numerical data, while qualitative observation involves descriptions based on qualities such as color, shape, or texture. Quantitative observations are often objective and precise, whereas qualitative observations are more subjective and descriptive in nature.

What were the accomplishments of the early astronomers?

The early astronomers were Nicolaus Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galileo, and Sir Isaac newton. Copernicus concluded that Earth is a planet. He proposed a model of the solar system with the sun at the center. Brahe's observations, especially of Mars, were far more precise than any made previously. Kepler discovered three laws of planetary motion. Galileo's most important contributions were his descriptions of the behavior of moving objects. Although others had theorized the existence of such force, Newton was the first to formulate and test the law of universal gravitation.