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in a variegated leaf only the green areas of the leaf turns blue black in colour when tested for starch what is the best way to explan that

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Q: What areas on a variegated leaf change colour?
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Leaves that do not have a uniform colour are called variegated leaves.

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Variegated leaf

Which area of the variegated leaf contains starch?

The green areas of a variegated leaf contain starch, as they are the regions where photosynthesis occurs. Starch is produced during photosynthesis and serves as a storage form of energy for the plant.

Why do only some parts of a variegated leaf make starch?

Only the green parts of variegated leaves contain chlorophyll, which is necessary for photosynthesis to produce starch. Without chlorophyll, the non-green parts lack the ability to photosynthesize and make starch. This results in only the green areas of the variegated leaf being able to produce energy through photosynthesis.

Are pigments in variegated leaf photosythetic?

Yes, pigments in variegated leaves are photosynthetic as they contain chlorophyll, the primary pigment responsible for capturing sunlight to produce energy through photosynthesis. However, variegated leaves may have different patterns of pigmentation such as white or yellow areas which may affect the overall photosynthetic efficiency of the leaf.

What substances are in variegated leaves?

Variegated leaves may contain pigments such as chlorophyll, carotenoids, and anthocyanin in varying amounts. These pigments contribute to the different colors seen in variegated leaves. Additionally, variegated leaves may have varying levels of starch, sugars, and other nutrients depending on the plant species.

Why is a variegated- leaf plant useful for demonstrating that chlorophyll is needed for photosynthesis?

Variegated leafed plant is useful for demonstrating that chlorophyll is needed for photosynthesis because variegated leaf is a plant which uses chlorophyll to absorb light so it can get its color

Why is variegated leaf used to test to see if chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis?

Variegated leaves have patches of green and white due to uneven distribution of chlorophyll. If a variegated leaf is tested by covering the green parts and exposing only the white parts to light, no photosynthesis occurs in the white areas since they lack chlorophyll. This demonstrates that chlorophyll is indeed necessary for photosynthesis to take place.

What does the presence of blue color means in variegated leaf experiment of photosynthesis?

The presence of blue color in a variegated leaf experiment indicates that the leaf has starch content. This is because leaves with chlorophyll, which is responsible for photosynthesis, will turn blue when iodine is applied to test for the presence of starch. Blue color indicates starch accumulation due to photosynthesis occurring in the green parts of the variegated leaf.

Why is a variegated leafed plant useful for demonstrating that chlorophyll is needed for photosynthesis?

Variegated leafed plant is useful for demonstrating that chlorophyll is needed for photosynthesis because variegated leaf is a plant which uses chlorophyll to absorb light so it can get its color

Where is starch stored in a variegated Coleus leaf?

Starch is typically stored in the amyloplasts, which are specialized organelles within the leaf cells of a variegated Coleus plant. These amyloplasts store starch as an energy reserve that can be used by the plant when needed.

Result of starch test on variegated leaves?

Starch test on variegated leaves may show varying levels of starch accumulation in different parts of the leaves. Green parts of the variegated leaves that contain chlorophyll will likely test positive for starch as they can photosynthesize, while white or yellow parts that lack chlorophyll may test negative or have lower levels of starch. This difference in starch accumulation can indicate the distribution of photosynthetic activity in the variegated leaves.