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The right pleural cavity surrounds the right lung. It is the space between the lungs and the chest wall, containing a thin layer of fluid that helps reduce friction during breathing.

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Q: What area does the right pleural cavity surround?
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Which term describes an accumulation of air or gas in the pleural space that causes the lung to collapse?

Hemothorax (hee-moh-THOH-racks)hem/o means blood , and -thorax means chestThe accumulation of blood in the pleural cavity in commonly referred to as a Hemothorax, as opposed to air build up in the cavity called a pneuomothorax. Typically, to correct a hemothorax one needs the insertion of a chest tube and the blood must be drained from the cavity.It is usually caused from an injury, especially blunt trauma. It can also occur in patients who suffer a pulmonary infarction (death of a section of lung), patients who have had a type of chest surgery, patients with lung or pleural cancer, etc. Rarely, a blood vessel ruptures into the pleural space when no injury has occurred, or a bulging area in the aorta (aortic aneurysm) leaks blood into the pleural space.

What is a cavity on pelvic area?

A cavity in the pelvic area refers to the pelvic cavity, which is a space surrounded by the bones of the pelvis. It contains the reproductive organs, urinary bladder, and part of the large intestine. This cavity provides protection and support to the organs within the pelvic region.

Do females have a peritoneal cavity?

Yes, females have a peritoneal cavity. The peritoneal cavity is a space in the abdominal cavity that contains the abdominal organs such as the stomach, liver, and intestines. Both males and females have this cavity in their abdominal area.

What is on the right side starting from below right breast down to appendix area?

The primary organ found here will be the Liver. There will also be parts of the right lung and the diaphragm in the chest cavity. There will also be the right kidney and parts of the large and small intestine.

What is the area above the pericardia cavity called?

The area above the pericardial cavity is called the mediastinum. It is the region in the thoracic cavity that lies between the lungs and contains the heart, great vessels, thymus, esophagus, trachea, and other structures.

Related questions

What can the pleural cavity affect?

"The pleural cavity is the area surrounding the lungs. This is a vital region. Problems here can affect the lungs, heart, diaphram, and other organs centrally located."

What is the medical term meaning localized area of pus formation in the lungs?

Empyema means the collection of pus within a body cavity but when you are talking about the pleural cavity it is another word, pyothorax. Pyothorax is the correct term to use when you are talking about the accumulation of pus in the pleural cavity.The term pleurisy (pleuritis) is inflammation or infection in the pleural space around the lungs.Pyothorax also known as empyema of the pleural cavity is the presence of pus in the pleural cavity between the layers of the pleural membrane Py/o - Pus

What is the pleural used for in the human body?

In human anatomy pleural is the area surrounding each of the lungs, which lines the thoracic cavity. It is a thin serous membrane coat, essentially to protect the lungs.

Medical term surgucal punture of the thoracic cavity?

Aspiration and drainage of pleural fluid is termed as Thoracentesis. 'Thoraco-' refers to the thorax (chest), and '-centesis' is the process of aspirating a substance from an enclosed/sealed area. It can also be called a pleurocentesis, needle thoracotomy, pleural aspiration, or pleural tap.

What is another term for the chest cavity?

Thoracic (chest) cavity is confined by the rib cage. Within there is the right and left pleural cavities (lungs) and the mediastium or pericardial cavity (heart). If something destroys the confinement of this area (blunt or sharp forced trauma) the result may be a pneumothorax or collapsed lung(s).

What does the surgical procedure pericardial window achieve?

The Pericardial window is a cardiac surgical procedure used to make a "window" to the pleural cavity. It allows the draining of fluids from the area surrounding the heart into the chest cavity, where the fluids are less dangerous.

Where is the orbital cavity?

The orbital cavity is the area that your eyeball sits in. Its located in your head, right in front of where your brain once existed.

What is pleura in respiratory system?

Pleurae exists in order to allow the two membranes to slide against each other without friction. The surface of these membranes consist of an area made up of shiny flat cells called themesothelium. Only with the help of the pleurae can the pleural cavity function properly. When this fluid becomes infected or compromised, the results are often serious. In fact, this type of infection must be treated right away in order to avoid further complications.This portion of the lung area is extremely sensitive to pain and to bacteria. Frequently, the pleural cavity becomes infected with bacteria, which may cause inflammation. When a large amount of bacterial fluids collect between the pleural membranes, the result can be a serious infection known as pleurisy. Dry pleurisy occurs when no fluid is formed, but the area is still infected. Pain is often caused when the two membranes that make up the pleural cavity rub together. This can be caused by a number of conditions, including pneumonia, lung infections, and even kidney problems.

What cavity contains the mediastinum?

The mediastinum contains the heart and its large vessels, the trachea, thymus, lymph nodes, aorta, esophagus and bronchi. It is divided into superior and inferior regions, the latter subdivided into anterior, middle, and posterior parts.

What is the medical term meaning accumulation of blood in the pleural?

Hemothorax (hee-moh-THOH-racks)hem/o means blood , and -thorax means chestThe accumulation of blood in the pleural cavity in commonly referred to as a Hemothorax, as opposed to air build up in the cavity called a pneuomothorax. Typically, to correct a hemothorax one needs the insertion of a chest tube and the blood must be drained from the cavity.It is usually caused from an injury, especially blunt trauma. It can also occur in patients who suffer a pulmonary infarction (death of a section of lung), patients who have had a type of chest surgery, patients with lung or pleural cancer, etc. Rarely, a blood vessel ruptures into the pleural space when no injury has occurred, or a bulging area in the aorta (aortic aneurysm) leaks blood into the pleural space.

What cavity is entered for an appendectomy?

For an appendectomy, the abdominal cavity is entered through a small incision made in the lower right side of the abdomen. The appendix is located in this area and can be removed through this incision.

Which term describes an accumulation of air or gas in the pleural space that causes the lung to collapse?

Hemothorax (hee-moh-THOH-racks)hem/o means blood , and -thorax means chestThe accumulation of blood in the pleural cavity in commonly referred to as a Hemothorax, as opposed to air build up in the cavity called a pneuomothorax. Typically, to correct a hemothorax one needs the insertion of a chest tube and the blood must be drained from the cavity.It is usually caused from an injury, especially blunt trauma. It can also occur in patients who suffer a pulmonary infarction (death of a section of lung), patients who have had a type of chest surgery, patients with lung or pleural cancer, etc. Rarely, a blood vessel ruptures into the pleural space when no injury has occurred, or a bulging area in the aorta (aortic aneurysm) leaks blood into the pleural space.