The planet Jupiter is currently visible in the eastern sky in North Carolina. Jupiter is one of the brightest objects in the night sky and can be easily spotted near the eastern horizon in the late evening.
In February 2010 in California, the planet Venus would have been visible in the night sky. Venus is one of the brightest objects in the night sky and is often visible to the naked eye during the evening and early morning hours.
It is a comet
Yes, the Andromeda Galaxy is visible to the naked eye under good viewing conditions. It is one of the farthest objects visible without the aid of a telescope, and it appears as a faint fuzzy patch in the sky.
The sky does not move and you must be complete looney.
Is visible in our sky
No. There are visible six objects in the sky that are not stars: the moon and the five planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.
You won't see it every 20th of November, but in some years it is visible then. Lots of websites will tell you where and when to see it. If you don't see it then in a particular year, there will be other times of the year that you will see it. If it is visible then, you will be able to see it on other nights around then, as it can be seen for months when it is visible.
Because that is where most of the visible objects are.
The planet Jupiter is currently visible in the eastern sky in North Carolina. Jupiter is one of the brightest objects in the night sky and can be easily spotted near the eastern horizon in the late evening.
objects are visible to us only when?
To see Jupiter tonight, look towards the southeastern sky. Jupiter is one of the brightest objects in the night sky, so you should be able to spot it easily. It will be visible for most of the night.
The planet visible in the eastern sky in the early morning from the northeast USA is likely to be Venus. Venus is one of the brightest objects in the sky and is often visible before sunrise or after sunset. Its brightness and location make it easily recognizable in the predawn sky.
The night sky is dark and typically filled with stars, the moon, and other celestial objects. The day sky, on the other hand, is bright blue due to sunlight scattering in Earth's atmosphere. Both skies share the same celestial objects, but they are visible at different times due to the rotation of Earth.
i think that the moon visible in the western sky
It could be the planet Venus, often referred to as the "evening star" when visible in the western sky after sunset. Venus is one of the brightest objects in the sky and is frequently mistaken for a star.
In February 2010 in California, the planet Venus would have been visible in the night sky. Venus is one of the brightest objects in the night sky and is often visible to the naked eye during the evening and early morning hours.