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two things that may happen to the meteoroid is that it might burn or collide with the Earth.

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When a meteoroid moves through a planet's atmosphere, it can heat up and vaporize due to friction with the air, creating a bright streak known as a meteor or shooting star. If the meteoroid is large enough to survive the entry, it may reach the planet's surface as a meteorite.

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Q: What are two things that may happen when a meteoroid moves through a planet's atmosphere?
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How does meteorite collision happen?

Meteorite collisions happen when a meteoroid, which is a space rock traveling through space, enters Earth's atmosphere and survives the journey to impact the Earth's surface. The intense heat generated as the meteoroid travels through the atmosphere can cause it to break apart or explode, resulting in smaller meteorites landing on the Earth.

What is the transfer of nitrogen from the atmosphere to plants and back to the atmosphere or directly into plants again?

The transfer of nitrogen from the atmosphere to plants and back occurs through a process called nitrogen fixation. This can happen through the action of nitrogen-fixing bacteria that convert nitrogen gas into a form that plants can use. Once plants assimilate this nitrogen, it can be returned to the atmosphere through processes like denitrification or can be transferred to other organisms through the food chain.

What are meteor and meteorites?

A meteoroid is a space rock drifting through space, not bothering anybody. When a meteoroid gets too close to the Earth, it gets caught in Earth's gravity and starts to burn up from the heat of friction as the meteoroid streaks through the atmosphere at 25,000 miles per hour or more, and glows white-hot as it falls. If it doesn't burn up completely, the space rock that lands on the Earth is called a "meteorite". Hundreds of meteorites are found on Earth every year. Scientists like to study their structure, because they may be remnants from the formation of the solar system. Some meteorites are actually believed to be rocks that were part of Mars or the Moon before some larger meteor or asteroid crashed into the Moon or Mars and splashed martian rocks back into space!

What would happen to an object in orbit around planets if the planets force of gravity were stronger than the objects inertia?

The object would crash into the planet.

How do you clean the atmosphere?

The atmosphere will gradually clean itself quite naturally. To allow this to happen one needs to stop polluting it.

Related questions

What causes a meteoroid to enter earths atmosphere?

Meteoroids enter Earth's atmosphere when they collide with Earth's gravitational field as they travel through space. The speed and angle at which a meteoroid enters Earth's atmosphere determine whether it will burn up as a meteor or hit the surface as a meteorite.

Which planets do you think would have great extremes of temperature on the different sides?

Mercury and Venus would likely have the most extreme temperature differences between their day and night sides due to their lack of atmosphere and proximity to the Sun. Additionally, tidally-locked exoplanets, where one side always faces their star, could also experience vast temperature variations depending on their distance from the star.

What would happen to a meteoroid inside a black hole?


What would happen if wavelenthes were allowed through the apnosphere?

If wavelengths were allowed through the atmosphere unimpeded, more harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun would reach the Earth's surface, leading to increased risks of skin damage, cataracts, and skin cancer in humans, as well as harm to various organisms and ecosystems. The Earth's atmosphere acts as a shield, absorbing and scattering harmful wavelengths to protect living organisms.

What would happen if the sun were closer to the earth?

If we moved close enough, the planets atmosphere would disintegrate and we would all die from suffocation or heat.

What is said to happen on December 21 2012?

They say that on that day all the planets will align with the sun and a meteor will go through all the planets including the sun

What will happen to the moon and planets if gravity did not exist on the solar system?

They would fly randomly through space.

What would happen if earth were living closer to the sun?

If we moved close enough, the planets atmosphere would disintegrate and we would all die from suffocation or heat.

What are three things that happen to the Suns radiation as it moves through the earths atmosphere?

Your mom is the answer to my std.

What are three things that happen to the sun's radiation as it moves through the earths atmosphere?

Absorption: Some of the sun's radiation is absorbed by gases such as ozone and water vapor in the Earth's atmosphere. Scattering: Particles in the atmosphere scatter sunlight in all directions, contributing to the blue color of the sky. Reflection: Some of the sunlight is reflected back into space by clouds, aerosols, and the Earth's surface.

Do Auroras only happen on earth?

All of the planets in the solar system have auroras, except for Mercury; which has no significant atmosphere where an aurora can form.Auroras have also been observed on some of Jupiter's moons.None of the dwarf planets have any aurora activity.

Can shooting stars go into a star?

No. So-called shooting stars or falling stars, are just bits of dirt, debris or dust that enter our atmosphere and burn up. They look like stars as they fly through our atmosphere, hence the names, though they are called meteors. Sometimes they will get through our atmopshere and land on Earth, when they are known as a meteoroid. That could never happen on a star. A star is much hotter than our atmosphere, so any dirt, debris or dust in space would be burnt up long before they reach the star, so could never go right into it.