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one is trace fossil and the other is fulgerties im really. sure about this answer too.

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Many organisms have soft bodies that decompose quickly after death, leaving no trace behind. Additionally, many organisms live in environments that are not conducive to fossilization, such as areas with high rates of erosion or volcanic activity.

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Q: What are two reasons why many organisms never become part of the fossil record?
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How the fossil record indicates a long history of changing life forms.?

The fossil record shows that different species have evolved over time. The fossil record also provides evidence of how a specific organism evolved from earlier species. The fossil record shows that organisms have become more complex over time. It also shows which organisms lived during the same time period, which have a common ancestor, and which have become extinct.

Most organisms or only a comparatively few wind up in the fossil record?

Less than 1% of all organisms that die become fossilized.

What does comparing organisms in the fossil record provide evidence for?

Comparing organisms in the fossil record provides evidence for evolutionary relationships and how species have changed over time. It helps researchers understand the history of life on Earth, including the emergence of new species and the extinction of others. Fossils also provide insights into how organisms have adapted to changing environments.

Why is the fossil record unable to provide a full portrait of the times in which the fossilized animals and plants lived?

The fossil record is incomplete because not all organisms fossilize, and not all fossils are found or preserved. Fossilization depends on specific conditions such as rapid burial and mineralization. Therefore, the fossil record only represents a small fraction of the organisms that lived in the past.

The fossil record shows that periods of are followed by diversity in organisms.?

Mass extinction

What does the fossil record reveal about new species of organisms?

They evolved over time from older species.

What are traces or remains of organisms that lived in the past?

Fossils are proof of organisms that lived long ago

The fossil record refers to what?

The fossil record is a collection of all known fossils, which are the preserved remains or traces of organisms from the past. It provides insights into the history of life on Earth, including the evolution of species and changes in environments over time.

Are fossils records complete or incomplete?

Fossil records are not complete. By some estimates, less than 1% of organisms that have lived appear in the fossil record.

What do fossil forms of evolution show?

The transition of phyla of organisms over time. That is the great strength of the fossil record; evolution shown in the sedimentary rock.

What is the chronological collection of life's remains found in layers of rock?

The answer is the fossil record :D

What is one reason why the fossil record is incomplete?

The fossil record is incomplete because not all fossils have been discovered. In actuality it is unlikely that all fossils will ever be discovered given the hit and miss nature of fossil discovery which usually occurs through educated guess work. The fossil record will likely never be complete.