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Q: What are two primary functions associated with the uterus?
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The primary two were Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt.

What kinds of uterine cancer are there?

two primary forms, cervical and endometrial. Cancer of the cervix most often affects the neck of the cervix or the opening or the opening into the uterus from the vagina. Endometrial cancer affects the inside lining of the uterus.

Why do semi trucks have two air tanks?

You have a primary and secondary tank. Certain air functions of the truck use the primary and others use the secondary tank.

What two primary functions do lipids perform in cells of a multicellular animal?

From what i know they are used in the cccell membrane and for hormones

Which two trigonometric functions are used for analyzing vectors?

You usually need all three primary functions. The sine and cosine functions are used to resolve the vector along orthogonal axes, and the tangent function is used to find its direction.

State the two primary functions of the testes?

secrete male hormone (testosterone)produce sperm cells (millions produced everyday)

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The two primary functions of the cell membrane are to regulate the passage of substances in and out of the cell (selective permeability) and to maintain the cell's internal environment by controlling the balance of ions and nutrients.

Can women with anteverted uterus take folic acid?

There is no such condition as inverted uterus. Howeer, anteverted and retroverted uterus describe two different ways that the uterus can tip. An anteverted uterus tips forward towards the bladder. A retroverted uterus tips backward away from the bladder. Both anteverted and retroverted uteruses are normal. about 65-80% of women have an anteverted uterus, and 20-35% have retroverted. Any woman can take folic acid, whether she has an anteverted, retroverted, or no uterus.

Are seizures associated with border collies?

According to the American Border Collie Association, it is one of three primary genetic diseases associated with the breed (the other two are Hip Displasia and Collie Eye Anomaly.)

What is the shape of a cow uterus?

A cow's uterus is an irregular shape, but it certainly does not look like a woman's uterus, which is triangle-shaped. A cow's uterus is divided into two "horns" which divide out in a V-shape if looking at the uterus from above.