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Q: What are two plates of equal density form mountain ranges along?
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What do two plates of equal density form mountain ranges along?

Along their colliding (convergent) boundary.

What geographic feature occurs along two continental convergent plates?

A mountain range typically forms along two convergent plates as they collide and push against each other, causing the land to uplift and form peaks. The Himalayas, for example, were created by the collision of the Indian Plate with the Eurasian Plate.

Where are mountain ranges formed?

Mountain ranges are formed at tectonic plate boundaries where plates collide, causing intense pressure and uplift of the Earth's crust. This can lead to the formation of fold mountains, such as the Himalayas, or volcanic mountains, like the Andes. Additionally, some mountain ranges are formed through faulting and uplifting processes, creating features like the Rocky Mountains in North America.

Are there any earthquakes near mountain ranges?

Yes, mountain ranges are often located along tectonic plate boundaries where earthquakes are more likely to occur. The movement of these plates can cause stress build-up along fault lines within or near the mountain range, leading to earthquakes.

Where are the major mountain belts of the world located?

The major mountain belts of the world are located along the edges of tectonic plates. Some well-known mountain ranges include the Himalayas in Asia, the Andes in South America, the Rockies in North America, and the Alps in Europe. These mountain ranges are formed by the collision of tectonic plates or the movement of plates past each other.

How was the transverse ranges formed?

The Transverse Ranges in California were formed by the activity of tectonic plates along the San Andreas Fault. The plates moved past one another, causing the crust to be pulled and uplifted, creating the mountain ranges that run east-west. The ongoing movement along the fault continues to shape and uplift these ranges.

Mountain ranges at the bottom of the ocean are called?

Submarine mountain ranges at the bottom of the ocean are called oceanic ridges or mid-ocean ridges. These are underwater mountain ranges that form along plate boundaries where tectonic plates are diverging or moving apart.

The spreading of the ocean floor is what?

At the mid-ocean ridges, large underwater mountain ranges formed along diverging oceanic plates.

What are 3 earth features along the crustal plate boundaries?

Three features along crustal plate boundaries are earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain ranges. Earthquakes occur due to the movement of tectonic plates, volcanoes form at convergent boundaries where plates collide, and mountain ranges are often found at convergent boundaries where plates push against each other.

Describe what happens when two plates carrying continental crust collide?

When two plates carrying continental crust collide, both plates crumple and fold due to the immense pressure. This can lead to the formation of mountain ranges and earthquakes along the convergent boundary. The collision can also result in the subduction of one continental plate beneath the other, ultimately leading to the formation of a mountain belt.

How do the locations of mountains support Wegener's idea how mountains form?

The distribution of mountain ranges around the world supports Wegener's idea of plate tectonics, as he proposed that continents move due to the shifting of tectonic plates. Mountains often form at convergent plate boundaries where plates collide, causing uplift and the formation of mountain ranges. This alignment of mountain ranges along plate boundaries provides evidence for the movement of continents over time.

Mountain ranges in Italy?

Italy has two major mountain ranges. The northern border of Italy is in the Alps. The Apennines run along the length of Italy.