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various metallic salts are added to the explosive materials to give different colours.

Ye, specifically... Strontium makes red, sodium makes yellow, potassium nitrate or magnesium makes white or silver, pure potassium makes purple, copper = greenish blue

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Q: What are two metal ions capable of making red color in fireworks?
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Does noble gases give fireworks the ability to glow?

Yes, noble gases contribute to the glow in fireworks. When energized by heat, the atoms of noble gases such as neon, argon, and helium emit light of various colors, creating the vibrant hues seen in fireworks displays.

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Why are blue fireworks uncommon?

Blue fireworks are uncommon because creating a true blue color in fireworks is challenging. The compounds needed to produce a vibrant blue hue are less stable and more difficult to work with compared to other colors. Additionally, the blue light emitted by these chemicals can be easily overwhelmed by ambient light, making it harder to appreciate the color in a fireworks display.

What metal must be added to a fireworks to give it a blue color?

Copper compounds are typically added to fireworks to produce a blue color. When heated in the firework, copper ions emit a characteristic blue light.

Alkali metal used in fireworks?

One of the alkali metals used in fireworks is potassium. It is commonly used to produce a lilac or light purple color in fireworks displays. Potassium salts are often incorporated into the compositions of fireworks to achieve colorful effects.

What metal must be added to a firework to give it a blue color?

what gives fireworks its blue color is silver burning aluminum , titanium,magnesium powder.

What red color alkaline earth metal makes itself useful in fireworks and flares?

the answer is really lithium nitrate. nitrate mixed with lithium an alkaline metal element.

What silver-white metal is in fireworks?

Aluminium and magnesium are used in fireworks.

Fireworks contain metals that are brightly colored when burned. They are less reactive than some other metals. Which metal is one example?

One example of a metal used in fireworks for its bright color and low reactivity is strontium. It produces a vibrant red flame when burned and is commonly used to create red hues in fireworks displays.

What metal is used in fireworks and why?

The metal commonly used in fireworks to create colorful sparks is a combination of various metal salts. When these metal salts are heated, they absorb energy and release it in the form of light, creating the vibrant colors we see in fireworks displays. Some common metals used in fireworks are strontium for red, barium for green, and copper for blue.

Similar in nature to the other alkaline earth metals salts of this metal are used in flares and fireworks producing a beautiful crimson color?
