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The cytoskeleton is composed of Actin filaments, microtubules and intermediate filaments.

Actin is essential in resistance to and distribution of physical stresses and for movement in some cells such as immune cells. It is also important for orientation in cells such as columnar epithelial cells.

Microtubules are used to transport materials and organelles around the cell. Microtubules are also essential in the separation of sister chromatids during anaphase in cells that undergo open-nucleaus cell division.

Intermediate filaments are more complex in structure than Actin and MTs and far more varied than but are still dynamic. IFs are important in the interactions between cells to make up tissues and organs. Because of their varied functions they are divided into classes (Types I to V). Really its better to read a review if you want to know about IFs because they're far more complicated than the others.

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It anchors the oraganells in proper places.It supports and give a shape to the cell.

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What are the jobs of the cytoskeleton does?

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Two parts of the cell that can be used for movement and are made by the cytoskeleton are cilia and flagella.

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The functions of the cytoskeleton used in an animal cell, is for the movement of the animal and so that objects within the cell can move.

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Do protozoas have a cytoskeleton?

Yes , they have cytoskeleton .

Name and describe the two types of structures that make up the cytoskeleton?

The two types of structures that make up the cytoskeleton are microfilaments and microtubules. Microfilaments are thin, filamentous strands made of actin that provide structural support and help with cell movement. Microtubules are hollow tubes made of tubulin that are involved in cellular processes such as cell division and intracellular transport.

What part of speech is cytoskeleton?

Cytoskeleton is a noun.

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what parts does a cytoskeleton have?

What has a cytoskeleton?

Cytoskeleton is in eukariyotes.It is spreaded through out cytoplasm.

What maintains cell shape with a network of protein filamentsd?

The cytoskeleton maintains the cell shape with a network of protein filaments. The cytoskeleton also protects and helps with movement of cell.

What is a cytoskeleton like?

A cytoskeleton is a microscopic network of filaments int he cytoplasm of a cell. This cytoskeleton helps give the cell shape.