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Concentration of the enzyme or it's substrate and the temperature.

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Temperature and pH

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temperature and pH

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Q: What are two factors that influence enzyme activity?
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Idenify two internal environmental factors that directly influence the rate of enzyme action?

temperature and pH

How does temperature change the action of enzymes?

Temperature can affect enzyme activity because enzymes work best within specific temperature ranges. At low temperatures, enzyme activity decreases as the molecules move more slowly, decreasing the likelihood of enzyme-substrate collisions. At high temperatures, enzyme activity can be disrupted because the enzyme structure can become denatured, leading to a loss of function. Optimal temperature for enzyme activity varies depending on the specific enzyme.

What are two main factors that affect the absorption of a mineral?

Two main factors that affect the absorption of a mineral are the presence of other nutrients or substances that can enhance or inhibit absorption, and the health and integrity of the digestive system, including factors such as pH levels, enzyme activity, and gut health.

What are two features of a denatured enzyme?

Two features of a denatured enzyme are loss of its three-dimensional structure and subsequent loss of its biological activity. Denaturation can be caused by factors such as high temperature or extreme pH levels, leading to irreversible changes in the enzyme's shape and function.

What are three that ways to control enzymes?

Temperature: Enzyme activity can be controlled by adjusting the temperature, as most enzymes have an optimal temperature at which they function best. pH: Enzyme activity is also influenced by the pH of the environment, and maintaining an appropriate pH level can help regulate enzyme function. Inhibitors: Enzyme activity can be inhibited by specific molecules that bind to the enzyme and prevent it from carrying out its catalytic function. This can be used as a way to control enzyme activity in biological systems.

What two internal body conditions effect enzyme activity?

temperature and pH

What two factors change the efficiency of an enzyme?

pH and temperature.

What does inhibitor do to enzyme activity?

AnswerWhat does inhibitor do to enzyme activity?They prevent the reactions from happening. Non-competative inhibitors alter the shape of the active site so that the substrate no longer fits, and competative inhibitors block the active site.

Identify two factors that could cause enzyme denaturation?

Extreme temperatures and pH levels outside of the enzyme's optimal range are two factors that could cause enzyme denaturation. Additionally, exposure to certain chemicals or heavy metals can also lead to enzyme denaturation.

Name two factors that influence a consumers needs and wants?

Two factors that could influence a consumers needs and wants could be their peers or advertising.

What are two factors that are affected when an enzyme is added to a chemical reaction?

- with enzymes the rate of reaction is higher- an important characteristic of an enzyme is the specifity

What are two factors that affect an enzyme function?

Temperature, pH, solute concentration, and salt content just to name a few. Temperature and Ph affect the function of enzymes because our body has a temperature of around 37 degrees and the conditions in our stomach are acidic. So9f or the enzyme to work properly then the working condidtions have to be at least 37 degrees and they need to acidic otherwise the enzyme won't work properly.