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1mo ago

Thomas Hunter Morgan concluded that genes are located on chromosomes and that they are the primary units responsible for inheritance. He also suggested that the arrangement of genes on chromosomes plays a role in determining an organism's traits and characteristics.

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8y ago

The 2 conclusions Morgan made was...

1: Each chromosome is actually a group of linked genes.

2: Mendel's principle of independent assortment still holds true.

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Q: What are two conclusions that Thomas Hunter Morgan made about genes and chromosomes?
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True or false did Thomas Hunt Morgan determined that genes for various traits are arranged in a specific order along chromosomes?

True. Thomas Hunt Morgan's experiments with fruit flies led to the discovery that genes are arranged in a specific linear order along chromosomes. This finding was a key development in understanding how genetic information is stored and inherited.

Thomas Hunt Morgan grouped the Drosophila genes that were inheiritedtogether into four what groups?

Thomas Hunt Morgan grouped the Drosophila genes that were inherited together into four linkage groups. These linkage groups represented different chromosomes in the fruit fly.

What was Morgan's conclusion on fruit flies?

hes dead, does it matter? biology huh? lets entertain eatchother, heres a joke! ME: did i invite you to my BBQ YOU: no, why? ME: then why are you all you in my gril!?!?! tffw = to funny for word, i just made that up! spread it around!!

Why was thomas morgans work with fruit flies important?

Thomas Morgan's work with fruit flies was important because it provided key insights into genetics, specifically the idea that genes are located on chromosomes and the concept of sex-linked inheritance. His research laid the foundation for our understanding of how traits are inherited and paved the way for future discoveries in genetics.

What is the difference between Thomas Morgan and Gregor Mendel?

Thomas Morgan is known for his work on fruit flies, specifically for his discovery of sex-linked inheritance. Gregor Mendel, on the other hand, is considered the father of modern genetics for his work with pea plants and his discovery of the laws of inheritance. Mendel's work laid the foundation for the field of genetics, while Morgan's work further expanded our understanding of genetic inheritance.

Related questions

What conclusions did Morgan arrive at with his experiments on fruit flies and why did they extend Mendel's conclusions?

Morgan concluded that genes are located on chromosomes and that some genes are linked to specific traits. He extended Mendel's conclusions by demonstrating that genes are physically located on chromosomes and can be inherited as a unit, leading to the concept of gene linkage and genetic recombination.

When did thomas Morgan get the Nobel Prize?

Thomas Hunt Morgan was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1933 for his research on the role of chromosomes in heredity.

Why was Thomas Morgan and work with fruit flies important?

He gave an understanding of how chromosomes effect heredity.

What is Thomas Hunt Morgan known for?

Thomas Hunt Morgan determined the relationship between chromosomes and heredity. Thomas Hunt Morgan won a Nobel Prize for his work with genetics and heredity.

What did Thomas hunt Morgan conclude about fruit fly chromosomes?

Thomas Hunt Morgan concluded that genes are located on chromosomes based on his extensive breeding experiments with fruit flies. He observed that certain traits were always inherited together, indicating they were located on the same chromosome. This led to the understanding of the role of chromosomes in heredity.

How did Thomas Hunt Morgan find out about chromosomes?

i think he looked at a cell under a microscope but i could be mistaken

Thomas hunt Morgan determined that genes for various traits are arranged in a specific order along chromosomes?

A. True

Which of Thomas Hunt Morgan's hypotheses was valid?

One of Thomas Hunt Morgan's valid hypotheses was the idea that genes are located on chromosomes. Through his experiments on fruit flies, he provided evidence supporting this hypothesis, which laid the foundation for the field of genetics.

What scientist is credited with proving that genes are located on chromosomes?

The scientist credited with proving that genes are located on chromosomes is Thomas Hunt Morgan. Through his experiments on fruit flies in the early 20th century, Morgan was able to demonstrate that genes are physically linked to specific locations on chromosomes and are inherited together.

True or false did Thomas Hunt Morgan determined that genes for various traits are arranged in a specific order along chromosomes?

True. Thomas Hunt Morgan's experiments with fruit flies led to the discovery that genes are arranged in a specific linear order along chromosomes. This finding was a key development in understanding how genetic information is stored and inherited.

What did thomas hunt Morgan discover in his experiments with fruit flies?

Thomas Hunt Morgan discovered the concept of sex-linked traits in his experiments with fruit flies. He observed that certain characteristics were linked to the sex of the flies, leading to the identification of genes located on specific sex chromosomes. This work helped establish the field of genetics and the role of chromosomes in heredity.

Thomas Hunt Morgan grouped the Drosophila genes that were inheiritedtogether into four what groups?

Thomas Hunt Morgan grouped the Drosophila genes that were inherited together into four linkage groups. These linkage groups represented different chromosomes in the fruit fly.