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Characteristics of protozoa:

motility: cilia, flagella, pseudopod



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Elinor McDermott

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2y ago
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Q: What are two characteristics of protozoa?
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What are two different characteristics of protozoa?

Characteristics of protozoa: motility: cilia, flagella, pseudopod unicellular heterotroph

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Bacteria, protozoa, and fungi are considered living cells because they exhibit characteristics of life such as growth, reproduction, response to stimuli, metabolism, and adaptation to their environment. They possess genetic material, membranes that separate them from their environment, and the ability to carry out cellular processes necessary for survival. Additionally, they can evolve through natural selection and have a definite life cycle.

Is there a cell with both plant and animal characteristics?

The Euglena is a protozoa with both plant and animal characteristics. It can both photosynthesize and eat other cells to get sustenance.

Are protozoa bacteria or fungi?

Protozoa are neither bacteria nor fungi. They are single-celled organisms belonging to the Kingdom Protista. They are often classified separately from bacteria and fungi due to their distinct characteristics and lifestyles.

What is the root word for protozoa?

Protozoa has two root words, proto which is Greek for "first" and zoa which is Greek for "animal".

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The major groups of microorganisms include bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, and algae. Each group has unique characteristics and roles in the ecosystem.

What are the protozoa that are not capable of indipendant movement called?

The protozoa that are not capable of independent movement are called sporozoans. They are parasitic protozoa that typically have complex life cycles involving multiple hosts. Examples include Plasmodium, the parasite responsible for causing malaria, and Toxoplasma gondii, which causes toxoplasmosis.

What are two examples of protoctists in?

sea-weed, protozoa

What two groups can protists divided into?

Protozoa and Algae