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parasitism(could be in predation too..but can also in symbioses

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Three types of predation include herbivory (consumption of plants by animals), carnivory (consumption of other animals by predators), and parasitism (where one organism benefits at the expense of another organism, usually without causing immediate death).

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Q: What are three types of predation?
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What are three main ways organisms interact?

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What are the three types of predation?

The three types of predation are carnivory, herbivory, and parasitism. Carnivory involves animals consuming other animals, herbivory involves animals consuming plants, and parasitism involves one organism living off of another organism, often causing harm to the host.

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The main types of ecological relationships are commensalism, mutualism, parasitism, competition, and predation. Commensalism is a relationship where one organism benefits and the other is unaffected. Mutualism is a relationship where both organisms benefit. Parasitism is a relationship where one organism benefits at the expense of the other. Competition occurs when organisms vie for the same limited resources. Predation is a relationship where one organism hunts and consumes another for food.

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Three major types of interactions among organisms are mutualism, where both organisms benefit from the relationship; predation, where one organism kills and consumes another; and competition, where organisms vie for the same limited resources.

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Yes, some organisms obtain energy by feeding on other organisms in a process known as predation. Predators hunt and consume prey as a source of nutrition and energy. This relationship is an important part of many ecosystems, influencing population dynamics and maintaining balance.

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What is predation ecology?

the killing of multiple individuals in one or more species-populations for use as a resource by each individual in another species population; the consumption of one animal (the prey) by another animal (the predator)

An interaction in which one organism captures and feeds on another organism is called?

Predation. It is a common ecological interaction where one organism, the predator, hunts, kills, and consumes another organism, the prey. This interaction plays a key role in shaping the dynamics of ecosystems.