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what are four stratigies plants use to win the battle for sunlight,nutrients,and water?

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13y ago

1. growing taller

2. growing larger leaves

3. having decussate arrangement of leaves

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To be more attractive than the rest for instance flowers; bugs will more likely want to pollinate more pretty flowers

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Q: What are three strategies plants use to win the battle for sunlight and water and nutrients?
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Do plants grow better in the dark with nutrients or in the sunlight with nutrients?

in the sunlight because plants need sunlight,water,fertilizer to grow!!!!!!!!

What do plants mostly compete in the rain forest?

Plants in the rainforest mainly compete for sunlight, water, and nutrients. With the dense canopy overhead, plants at the forest floor struggle to reach sunlight, while the abundant rainfall can lead to fierce competition for water and essential nutrients in the soil. This intense competition drives plant species to evolve unique strategies to survive and thrive in this challenging environment.

What do plants need to compete for?

Plants compete for resources such as sunlight, water, nutrients, and space to grow. These resources are essential for their growth, development, and reproduction. Plants use different strategies to outcompete other plants for these resources, such as growing taller to reach more sunlight or developing larger root systems to access more water and nutrients.

How do plants need sunlight?

Nutrients so they can grow.

Do plants receive their nutrients chiefly from sunlight?

Plants need sunlight for photosynthesis, but they get many of their nutrients from the soil. That is why farmers use fertilizer on their fields, and organic growers add compost to soil. As plants use nutrients from the soil, it needs to be replenished for the next crop.

What do Antarctic plants compete for?

Antarctic plants primarily compete for access to sunlight, water, and nutrients in the soil. These resources can be limited due to harsh environmental conditions such as cold temperatures and ice cover. Plants must adapt to these conditions in order to survive and thrive in the Antarctic ecosystem.

What are three basic nutrients needed by plants?

Plants need sunlight, water and soil nutrients to grow. Some plants can grow in hydroponic conditions so they get their nutrients in the water and grow without the soil.

Plants that grow close together try to get the same what?

nutrients, sunlight and water

How do seedlings survive?

the same way the other plants do, sunlight water and nutrients.

What do all plants manage?

There are a couple of things that all plants will have to manage. Plants must manage water, sunlight, and the nutrients that surround them.

What do ocean plants need to survive in the ocean?

Some plants need sun and obviously nutrients and also if there is no sunlight such as the bottom of the ocean then they just need nutrients and energy

What do plants compete for in the wild?

Plants compete for growing space, nutrients and water. If they are very crowded, they can even compete for sunlight.