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There are actually five things...

Water, temperature, sunlight, soil, and air.

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Three materials that organisms obtain from the biosphere are oxygen for respiration, water for hydration and various essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats for energy and growth.

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Q: What are three materials that organisms obtain from the biosphere?
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What are three nitrogen containing nutrients in the biosphere?

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The biochemical cycles that move materials between land, air, and water affect the atmosphere, the biosphere (living organisms), and the geosphere (rock and soil formations) on Earth. This includes cycles like the water cycle, carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle, and phosphorus cycle.

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The three main reservoirs in the oxygen cycle are the atmosphere (where oxygen exists as O2 gas), the biosphere (where oxygen is found in living organisms), and the lithosphere (where oxygen is stored in rocks and minerals).

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The broadest level of organization of living things?

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What are the three ways organisms obtain food?

Organisms obtain food through autotrophic processes like photosynthesis, where they produce their own food using sunlight and nutrients, heterotrophic processes where they consume other organisms for food, and saprotrophic processes where they feed on decaying organic matter.

What are three human activities that effect the biosphere?

smoking alcohol and drugs

Mode of nutrition?

The mode of nutrition refers to how an organism obtains its food. There are three main modes of nutrition: autotrophic organisms make their own food through photosynthesis or chemosynthesis, heterotrophic organisms obtain food by consuming other organisms, and saprotrophic organisms obtain nutrients by decomposing organic matter.