

Best Answer
  1. Mid-oceanic volcanic ridges.
  2. Magnetic reversals in oceanic crust symmetrical about mid-oceanic volcanic ridges.
  3. Try looking it up in your textbook, you don't expect everything to be handed to you without any work.
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1w ago
  1. Magnetic striping on the ocean floor that indicates periodic reversals of Earth's magnetic field.
  2. Age progression of volcanic rocks on either side of mid-ocean ridges, showing younger rocks closer to the ridges.
  3. Distribution of earthquakes and volcanic activity along mid-ocean ridges and ocean trenches, corresponding to plate boundaries.
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Q: What are three kinds of evidence scienctist have found to support the sea floor spreading?
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Is the analysis of seafoor sediments evidence of sea-floor spreading?

Yes, the analysis of sea-floor sediments can provide evidence of sea-floor spreading. By studying the age and composition of the sediments, scientists can track the movement of tectonic plates and the spreading of the sea floor over time. Additionally, magnetic anomalies recorded in these sediments can further support the theory of sea-floor spreading.

What are three types of evidence provided support for sea-floor spreading?

Seismic Waves, Rock formations, and the shapes of the continents over time

How do the ages of the rocks on the ocean floor support the theory of seafloor spreading?

The ages of the rocks become older the farther the way they are from the ridges. The closer they are the younger it is. This leaves evidence to the seafloor spreading theory.

How do the ages of rock on the ocean floor support the theory of seafloor spreading?

The ages of the rocks become older the farther the way they are from the ridges. The closer they are the younger it is. This leaves evidence to the seafloor spreading theory.

What is sea floor spreading and what evidence do we have to prove it is happening?

Magnetic minerals on the ocean floor.

What is used as evidence for sea floor spreading?

Magnetic reversals

What three types of evidence provided support of the theory of sea-floor spreading?

three are : eruptions of molten material magnetic stripes in the rock of the ocean floor and the ages of the rocks themselves :)

What three types of evidence provided support of the theory of sea floor spreading?

three are : eruptions of molten material magnetic stripes in the rock of the ocean floor and the ages of the rocks themselves :)

What evidence is there to support the theory of sea floor spreading?

the newer rock is closer to the middle n th older ones spread along the sides

What is magnetic striping evidence?

Magnetic reversals and sea floor spreading.

What Magnetic striping evidence of?

Magnetic reversals and sea floor spreading.