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All organisms need food, water, and shelter in order to live, grow, and reproduce.

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The water helps animals survive.

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Q: What are three factors which can lead to an individual organism surviving longer in it's environment?
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The part of the biosphere that surrounds an organism is its?

The part of the biosphere that surrounds an organism is its environment. This includes both living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic) factors that influence the organism's survival and well-being.

All living and nonliving things that affect an organism make up its?

environment. This includes factors such as food, water, temperature, light, and other organisms that interact with an organism in its surroundings. The environment plays a significant role in shaping the behavior, traits, and survival of an organism.

What does environment factor means?

An environment factor refers to any external element that can impact an organism or system. This can include physical factors such as temperature, humidity, and light, as well as biological factors like predators and competition. Overall, environment factors play a crucial role in influencing an organism's behavior, development, and survival.

What is the specific type of environment in which an organism lives?

The specific type of environment in which an organism lives is called its habitat. This includes the physical and biological factors that make up that particular place and meet the organism's needs for survival and reproduction.

Part of biosphere that surrounds and organism?

The part of the biosphere that surrounds an organism is its ecosystem. An ecosystem consists of all the living organisms (biotic factors) as well as the physical environment (abiotic factors) that interact within a specific area. This interaction is essential for the survival and functioning of the organism within its ecosystem.

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Individual features of all organisms are the result of what a genetics b geneticscytoplasmic determiants c geneticsthe environment d the environment e the environmentindividual needs?

Individual features of organisms are a result of a combination of genetics and the environment. Genetics determine the organism's inherited traits, while the environment can impact how those traits are expressed. Both factors play a role in shaping an organism's characteristics.

The part of the biosphere that surrounds an organism is its?

The part of the biosphere that surrounds an organism is its environment. This includes both living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic) factors that influence the organism's survival and well-being.

Nonliving parts of an organism's environment?

The nonliving parts of an organism's environment are called abiotic factors.

What are the nonliving parts of an organism called?

The nonliving parts of an organism's environment are called abiotic factors.

Which term includes all of the interaction that occur between the organism and the physical factors in pond environment?


All living and nonliving things that affect an organism make up its?

environment. This includes factors such as food, water, temperature, light, and other organisms that interact with an organism in its surroundings. The environment plays a significant role in shaping the behavior, traits, and survival of an organism.

Is it true that the conditions in an environment that put limits on where an organism can live are limiting factors?

Yes it is true that conditions in an environment that put limits on where an organism can live are limiting factors. These factors can include items like climate and access to food or water sources.

What are the physical factors of the environment affect living organism?

The physical factors which affect the environment are temperature,humidity,intensity of radiation of light &light..these are physical factors as they are about the mechanics..

What are the nonliving parts of an organism's environment called?

A nonliving factor would be called an abiotic factor. A living factor would be called biotic

What does environment factor means?

An environment factor refers to any external element that can impact an organism or system. This can include physical factors such as temperature, humidity, and light, as well as biological factors like predators and competition. Overall, environment factors play a crucial role in influencing an organism's behavior, development, and survival.

What are the parts of an organism's environment that are living or once living and interact with the organism?

The parts of an organism's enviroment that are living or once living and interact with the organsim are biotic factors. :)

What is an immediate environment?

An immediate environment refers to the surroundings or context that directly impacts an individual or an organism on a day-to-day basis. It includes factors such as physical surroundings, social interactions, and personal experiences that influence an individual's well-being and behavior.