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We originally used it to mean an object whose shadow serves as an indicator of time. Then it came to refer more generally to the shape resulting when a parallelogram has a similar parallelogram removed from one corner, as sundials had pointers that shape. It is also a mathematical term.

We get gnomon from latin meaning indicator, or specifically the pin of a sundial. It came from Greek meaning interpreter or discerner, originally from the root gnostos: known or understood. So it could also be used in the sense of someone wise or foreseeing.

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4mo ago

A gnomon is commonly used in sundials to cast a shadow that indicates the time. It is also used in mathematics and geometry as a reference point or marker for angles and measurements. In architecture, gnomons can be used as decorative elements or structural components in buildings.

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Why does a gnomon on a sundial have to be 45 degrees?

It doesn't. The gnomon is supposed to match the latitude of the location where the sundial is placed. If the latitude is 30 degrees and the gnomon is 45 the entire sundial will have to be tilted to keep correct time. Another way to describe this is to say that the gnomon should be parallel to the Earth's axis.

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The web address of the Gnomon Productions is:

What is the phone number of the Gnomon Productions in San Francisco California?

The phone number of the Gnomon Productions is: 415-956-7030.

Where would you find a gnomon?

The gnomon is the physical component of a sundial that casts a shadow onto the graduated scale for the purpose of timekeeping.

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The suns angle creates a colored diffraction line directly on the CD, that is, there is no shadow created so you do not need a gnomon.

Where is the Gnomon Productions in San Francisco California located?

The address of the Gnomon Productions is: 463 Union St, San Francisco, CA 94133

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On what does a gnomon cast a shadow?

A gnomon is the upright piece of a sundial, and it is the part that casts its shadow down onto the dial to indicate local solar time.