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Q: What are the unit of metric time is called?
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What a metric unit of time?

metric unit of time is called a second.

What is time in the metric unit?

The metric unit of time is the second.There isn't one in common use but:10 metric hours in a day100 metric minutes in a metric hour100 metric seconds in a metric minute10 days in a metric week (called a dekade)

What are the metric units for time?

The metric units for time are seconds (s), minutes (min), hours (h), days (d), weeks (wk), months (mo), and years (yr).

What is a standard metric unit of time?

The standard metric unit of time is a second (s).

What is a metric unit of measurement for mass is called?

A metric unit of measurement for mass is called a gram.

The standard unit of length in the metric system is called what?

The standard unit of length in the metric system is called the meter. The standard unit of mass is the kilogram.

What is tme metric system?

The metric unit for time is seconds.

Are seconds a metric unit?

Yes, seconds are a metric unit. They are part of the International System of Units (SI) and are used to measure time.

Metric unit of time?


What is metric unit of time?


What is the basic unit for time in the metric system?

There are seven base units in the SI:* meter for length* kilogram for mass* kelvin for temperature* ampere for current* second for time* candela for luminous intensity* mole for amount of substance

Metric unit for Time is?

In mathematical terms, the metric unit for time is the second....abbreviated s. For example, a mathematical equation may look like this: 1N= 1kg m/s