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Phototropism is the response to light. Geotropism is the response to gravity. Chemotropism is the response to particular substances. Hydrotropism is the response to water. Thigmotropism is the response to mechanical stimulation. Traumatotropism is the response to wound lesion. Galvanotropism is the response to electric current.

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Q: What are the types of tropism with their description?
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What are 5 types of tropism?

The 5 types of tropism are geotropism, phototropsim, hydrotropism, chemotropsim, and thingmotropism.

What are the four tropisms?

The four main tropisms are phototropism (response to light), gravitropism (response to gravity), thigmotropism (response to touch or contact), and hydrotropism (response to water). These tropisms help plants respond and adapt to their environment by directing their growth in specific directions.

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Is there only one kind of tropism that plants experience?

No, plants can exhibit different types of tropisms, such as phototropism (response to light), gravitropism (response to gravity), and thigmotropism (response to touch). Each tropism allows the plant to respond to its environment in a specific way.

Can there be tropism in animals?

Its possible, but only certain forms of tropism may affect certain animals.

What are types of a description process?

DESCRIPTION PROCESS IS an key on a computer..

Define the four tropisms?

Phototropism is the response of plants to light, gravitropism is the response to gravity, thigmotropism is the response to touch, and chemotropism is the response to chemical stimuli. Each tropism helps plants adapt to their environment and grow towards essential resources.

What tropism is venus fly trap belong to?

The Venus Fly Trap does not belong to any Tropism. That is because it's reaction is not caused by light, gravity, touching, or the presence of water. Therefore, it is not Tropism.

What is a tropism that is towards the stimulus called?

well ..thats a good question.. i studied that for a while and if i remember , it is called POSITIVE TROPISM.. but if it grows away from the stimulus its NEGATIVE TROPISM. Nice question.. alot of people ask that.. but they really dont pay attention because it in the question! :) hope this helps!! :) :P

Give a little description of various types of conflicts?

what are types of conflict?

Is giraffe an example for tropism?


How does tropism benefit plants?

This is by photosynthesis