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Q: What are the two types of non-living things and explain with examples?
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An ecosystem has biotic factors, which include living organisms like plants and animals, and abiotic factors, which include non-living elements like sunlight, water, and soil. These factors interact with each other to maintain the balance and functioning of the ecosystem.

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Living things that support life on Earth include trees, which provide oxygen through photosynthesis, and bees, which help pollinate plants for reproduction. Nonliving things that support life on Earth include water, which is essential for all living organisms, and sunlight, which provides energy for photosynthesis and sustains life in many ecosystems.

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There are many types of things that would be in a kitchen. Examples of types of things that would be in a kitchen include spoons, forks, pots, pans, and a microwave.

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Commercial activities are those that occur in a commercial enterprise. Examples include a jobs in the snack food industry, a trucking firm, or a mail order company.

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I, you, he, she, and they are examples of personal pronouns. Personal pronouns represent specific people or things. The personal pronouns are:first person: I, we, me, ussecond person: youthird person: he, she, it, they, them