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4w ago

The two types of cells in softwood are tracheids and parenchyma cells. Tracheids are responsible for water conduction and support, while parenchyma cells are involved in storage and other metabolic functions.

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Q: What are the two types of cells in softwood?
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I guess the way to answer this question is by way of comparison. You have two types of trees, softwood and hardwood trees, softwood are needle-leaved trees, all hardwoods are broadleaved trees,all trees are perennials. All woods have cells, the size and structure determines whether its soft or hardwood, softwoods have "tracheid" cells which gives them support and allows the sap to run. Hardwoods have the same cells but much less, they also have vessels & pores to allow sap to run, and they also have fibers that give them support, I hope this answers your question.