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The two development stages are Trypanosoma brucei and Trypanosoma cruzi. Trypanosoma brucei, they lived ib the blood stream. it's transmitted by an insect vector. It is mostly associated in Africa. The transmition vector is tsetsefly and it is caused by sleeping sickness. It bites and jnject.

Trypanosoma cruzi also lives in the blood stream. It is an insector vector. It is associated in America. The insect that transmit is reduvid bug or kissing bettle. It causes sleeping sickness.

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1w ago

The two possible development stages of protozoans are trophozoite and cyst. The majority of protozoan infections are transmitted in the cyst stage, which allows them to survive outside the host. Three examples of protozoan infections transmitted via cysts are Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica, and Cryptosporidium spp.

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Q: What are the two possible develoment stages of protozoans in which stage are the mojority of protozoan infections transmitted from host to host. Give 3 specific examples?
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The key word in tackling protozoan infections is biosecurity.

What is a sentence with the word protozoan?

The key word in tackling protozoan infections is biosecurity.

Is protozoan a bacteria?

No. Protozoans, now called protists, are eukaryotes while bacteria are prokaryote cells.

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Protozoa are basically protists. They are NOT animals or plants; they are often considered as a separate kingdom.

What are five examples of protozoans?

Amoeba: A common unicellular protozoan that moves and feeds using pseudopods. Paramecium: A ciliated protozoan with a characteristic slipper-like shape. Trypanosoma: A parasitic protozoan that causes diseases like sleeping sickness and Chagas disease. Plasmodium: A protozoan parasite responsible for causing malaria in humans. Giardia: A flagellated protozoan that can cause gastrointestinal issues in humans and other animals.