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1mo ago

The tiny spheres inside the larger sphere of Volvox are individual cells called "gonidia." These cells are responsible for photosynthesis and producing energy for the organism. They are interconnected by cytoplasmic strands and work together to enable Volvox to carry out essential functions.

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Q: What are the tiny spheres inside the larger sphere of Volvox?
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Why all spheres are similar?

By definition all spheres are identical in shape because a sphere is perfectly round. That's what "sphere" means. In the same way, all perfect squares are identical and all equilateral triangles are identical. Spheres might be larger or smaller, but the shape of all is the same because there is only one kind of sphere.

What shape is the earth and moon?

Spherical. They are approximately spheres. The earth is more of an oblate sphere, a squashed sphere - this is due to its spin.

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You cannot blanket a large sphere wit smaller spheres because spheres cannot tessellate. There are always gaps between adjacent spheres and so no blanketing is possible.

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Spheres have no edges.

Can you give a sentence with word sphere in it?

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What two spheres interact when lightning strikes a forest?

The sphere of electricity, and the sphere of trees.

Sphere Garden?

form_title= Sphere Garden form_header= Decorate your garden with spheres. How many spheres do you want?*= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, More than 5} What color spheres would you like?*= _ [50] Do you want the spheres delivered?*= () Yes () No

How are circles and spheres different?

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What is the Meaning of the word spheres?

It Means Ball Or Sphere

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There are zero faces in a sphere.

What is the scale factor of spheres with a radius of 12 and 4?

Assuming the smaller sphere is the image of the larger sphere after transformation (based on the order of the radii): the scale factor is 4/12 = 1/3

Name the different types of spheres?

The different types of spheres are named based on their dimensions: a one-dimensional sphere is called a circle, a two-dimensional sphere is called a "2-sphere" or simply a sphere, and a three-dimensional sphere is called a "3-sphere."