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Disease's spread via liquids, food, body fluids, touching contaminated objects, and airborne.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

LOok at your pink sheet im in your class jeez ms ross

Oh crum down.
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βˆ™ 13y ago

cultural diffusion is when one culture influsences and changes another culture

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Q: What are the three ways in which cultural diffusion occurs?
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How does geography and diffusion influence the past and continue to shape the future?

Geography and diffusion has influenced the past and is still shaping the future in many ways. Diffusion is one of the main drivers for cultural change, while geography shapes and reshape the form and function of regions.

When diffusion occurs in body cells and our lungs which way does it move?

The movement of molecules of a substance from its higher concentration to its lower concentration by their own kinetic energy is called diffusion. Thus abiding the principle of diffusion it occurs in our body cells and lungs both ways. In lungs the molecules of oxygen diffuse inside the blood and for carbon dioxide molecules outside.

What are three ways molecules move through a semipermeable membrane?

Three ways molecules move through a semipermeable membrane are simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, and active transport. In simple diffusion, molecules move from an area of high concentration to low concentration without the need for energy. Facilitated diffusion involves the movement of molecules across the membrane with the help of protein channels or carriers. Active transport requires energy and moves molecules against their concentration gradient.

What role does innovation and diffusion in changing a culture?

Innovation introduces new ideas, products, or practices to a culture, sparking change. Diffusion is the spread of these innovations within a culture or across different cultures. Together, innovation and diffusion can shape cultural practices, values, and norms by introducing new ways of thinking and doing things.

What role do innovation and diffusion play in changing a culture?

Innovation introduces new ideas, technologies, or ways of thinking to a culture, which can lead to changes in beliefs, behaviors, or practices within that culture. Diffusion is the spread of these innovations through a society or across different cultures, influencing how people live and interact. Together, innovation and diffusion can drive cultural evolution and adaptation to new circumstances.

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Cultural change is set in motion in three general ways. What are they?

Cultural change can be initiated through innovation, diffusion, and imposition. Innovation refers to the introduction of new ideas or practices within a culture. Diffusion involves the spread of cultural traits from one society to another. Imposition occurs when a more powerful group imposes its culture on a less powerful one.

Name three ways that culture can be spread Be specific?

Three ways that culture can be spread, including, Relocation diffusion, Expansion diffusion and stimulus diffusion.

In what ways does cultural diffusion occur?

Cultural diffusion occurs through trade, migration, colonization, and communication. As people interact and share ideas, beliefs, and practices, elements of one culture are adopted by another. This can lead to the blending of cultures and the creation of new cultural practices and traditions.

What is the Term for the exchange of ways of living between various groups?

Cultural diffusion refers to the exchange of ways of living between various groups, resulting in the spread of cultural traits such as beliefs, customs, technologies, and languages.

What is cultural diffussion?

Cultural diffusion refers to the spread of cultural beliefs, practices, and ideas from one society to another. This can happen through various means such as trade, migration, conquest, or communication. It often results in the blending and exchange of different cultural elements.

What are three general ways that cultural change is set in motion?

Cultural change can be set in motion through technological advancements, the influence of global trends and movements, and generational shifts in attitudes and beliefs. These factors can contribute to changes in social norms, values, and behaviors within a society.

What was the role Korea played in Japan's development?

There are other ways too but they gave them ideas through cultural diffusion

Three ways stuff moves in and out of cells?

diffusion, osmosis, active transport

What are cultural processes?

Cultural processes refer to the ways in which culture is created, modified, and transmitted within a society. These processes can include cultural diffusion, cultural innovation, cultural adaptation, and cultural preservation. Cultural processes help shape the beliefs, values, norms, and behaviors of individuals within a society.

How did centuries of invasion by outsiders contributed to cultural diffusion in the Middle East?

With the many invasions coming towards the Middle East, cultural diffusion would sometimes be stopped by the invaders forcing them to do things in different ways. Therefore, they could not spread their different cultures to others.

How has cultural diffusion changed life in both hemispheres?

Cultural diffusion has led to the exchange of ideas, beliefs, traditions, and technologies between different cultures in both hemispheres. This has resulted in a rich tapestry of cultural diversity, innovation, and interconnectedness. It has helped foster global cooperation, understanding, and appreciation of different ways of life.

Describe three ways abrasion occurs in nature?

three ways could be wind oxygen or gravity water