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extinction, natural selection, and mutations

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1mo ago

Biodiversity emerges from genetic diversity within species, species diversity, and ecosystem diversity. These three components work together to create the variety of life forms and ecosystems on Earth.

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Q: What are the three things biodiversity emerges from?
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What are the the variety of living things in an ecosystem called?

The variety of living things in an ecosystem is called biodiversity. This includes all the different species of plants, animals, fungi, and microorganisms that interact within a specific environment. Biodiversity is essential for maintaining the balance and resilience of an ecosystem.

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Biodiversity is the diversity of living things.

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Yes they would. Biodiversity is all a pyramid of living things. We human beings are also in biodiversity.

What is the variety of of living things in an ecosystem?


What is the most number of living things?

It is estimated that there are over 8.7 million species of living things on Earth, with the vast majority being insects. The total number of individual living organisms is difficult to quantify accurately due to the sheer diversity and scale of life on our planet.

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What are some things that can reduce biodiversity?

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What term described all the living things in the biosphere?


What is The cumulative total and kind of living things on Earth is?

The cumulative total of living things on Earth is estimated to be around 8.7 million species, although the actual number could be much higher. These include plants, animals, fungi, and microorganisms.

Describe three ways to preserving biodiversity can come into conflict with human interests?

Establishing protected areas can limit human access to resources for activities such as logging, mining, or agriculture, leading to conflicts over land use. Enforcing regulations on hunting and fishing to protect threatened species can clash with livelihoods that depend on these activities for sustenance or income. Implementing conservation measures like species reintroduction programs may require sacrificing economic development projects in favor of environmental protection, creating conflicts over resource allocation.

What term describes the mix of all living things in the biosphere?

Biodiversity refers to the variety and abundance of living organisms in the biosphere. It encompasses the different species, genetic diversity within species, and the various ecosystems where they live.