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The three basic states, or phases, of matter are gas, liquid, and solid. Most substances can appear in any of the three phases depending on their temperature and pressure.

There are actually 5 recognized states, but the other two are far less frequently seen on Earth: plasma and Einstein-Bose condensates. Plasma is a superheated gaseous state while Einstein-Bose condensates are very dilute gases at the cold extreme of temperatures, near absolute zero. The condensates are manifested in the property of superfluidity.
Gases, liquids and solids are all made up of microscopic particles, but the behaviors of these particles differ in the three phases.



useful in primary school


thermionic condensate (filament or beam)

Bose-Einstein condensate

Superconductors Superfluids

Rydberg molecules

Quark-gluon Plasma

Degenerate matter


String-Net liquid


Liquid crystalline states

The three states of matter are solids, gases, and liquids.

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6y ago
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1mo ago

The three states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas. Solid has a definite shape and volume, liquid has a definite volume but takes the shape of its container, and gas has neither definite shape nor volume and fills the entire space available.

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14y ago

solid liquid and gas

i learned that in 1st grade

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Q: What are the three states of matter?
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The three principle states of matter are solid,liquid,gas

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the 4 different states of matter are1.solids2.liquids3.gases4.plasma

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The three states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas. ...and occassionally Plasma is considered a fourth state.

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The three states of matter are solid, liquid and gas

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Do you mean the states of matter? Solid, liquid and gas are the three (usual) states of matter (around here). Otherwise, matter is matter because it resists acceleration, it is attracted gravitationally, and (?) it occupies space.

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There are only three states of matter. They are solid, liquid and gas.

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There are now five states of matter which are the BE Condensate, solids, liquids, gases, and plasmas.