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Sagitta 79.9 square degrees, Equuleus 71.6, Crux 68.4.

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Crux, Equuleus, and Sagitta.

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Q: What are the three smallest constellations in the celestial sphere?
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What are the three smallest constellations?

The three smallest constellations are Crux (the Southern Cross), Equuleus (the Little Horse), and Sculptor. These constellations cover relatively small areas of the sky compared to others.

Why do all celestial objects in space not lie on the celestial sphere?

Celestial objects that lie outside a certain distance from Earth, such as distant galaxies, do not appear to lie on the celestial sphere due to their three-dimensional positions in space. The celestial sphere is a theoretical construct that represents the sky as seen from Earth, and objects beyond a certain distance would have different apparent positions when viewed from different vantage points in the universe.

Why do modern astronomers continue to use the celestial sphere when they know that stars are not all at the same distance?

The celestial sphere is a useful tool for simplifying the complex three-dimensional nature of space into a two-dimensional representation for observational purposes. While stars are not all at the same distance, treating them as points on the celestial sphere helps astronomers easily locate objects in the sky and track their positions over time. It provides a convenient reference system for celestial coordinates and navigation.

Is the moon flat?

No, the moon is not flat. It is a three-dimensional celestial body that orbits Earth. Its spherical shape is a result of its gravitational pull, much like other celestial objects in space.

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There are five constellations bordering Aries:PerseusTriangulumPiscesCetusTaurus

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The six surrounding constellations areTriangulumAndromedaPegasusAquariusCetusAries

What is a three-dimensional sphere?

A sphere

Difference between cube and sphere?

A cube is a three dimensional square, and a sphere is a three dimensional circle.

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How is a circle and a sphere difrrent?

A sphere is three dimensional, a circle is not. So a tennis ball is sphere not a circle You can draw a circle on paper but is is not a sphere.

What is the smallest three digit?

The smallest three digit integer is 100

Is a circle the evelation of a sphere?

No. A circle is two dimensional. A sphere is three dimensional.