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That process is called "tiling" or creating a "tiled pattern." It involves taking a single image and replicating it to create a larger design by joining multiple copies of the image together seamlessly.

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Q: What are the things called when you get a picture and make more of it joined?
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you can make a picture of things you like, you can make a picture of a landscape, cars, ect. also, you can make a whole lot of other things!!!

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.gifs and you make them on photoshop. The ones on the internet are too big for Tumblr.

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If you take a photography course, you can learn that a lot of things that can make a lovely picture. A picture taken very well can make even the most mundane of subjects beautiful.

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because normally they were promised to get things if they went but most never survived to make it back to get those things

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if you are a good at making things ,take a picture,look at it and make it.

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To make your very own Pokemon card go this website called, THINGS YOU NEED .a printer .a picture of your Pokemon . and a computer with internet

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yes there is just think of your favorite things and then picture a character with thoose things

What is it called to make a picture of something?

The act of making a picture of something is called photography. It involves the use of a camera which captures that moment in time forever to be printed and viewed as needed.

What twilight websites are free to join?

i have joined a website called there, you can chat with others who enjoy twilight, make your own profile, and more. you get access to things that others cant. its free. no downloads. no money to pay. all you need is an email username and a password that you can make. HAVE FUN!