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oxygen atomic number 8 symbol O. carbon atomic number 6 symbol C, hydrogen atomic number 1 symbol H. nitrogen atomic number 7 symbol N.

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16y ago
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3mo ago

Carbon: C Aluminum: Al Hydrogen: H Oxygen: O Sodium: Na

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13y ago

O atom number 8 for oxygen,

C atom number 6 for carbon,

H atom number 1 for hydrogen.

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6y ago

The chemical symbols for oxygen sodium fluorine and nitrogen are O, Na, F and N.

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13y ago

Oxygen is O2 and Hydrogen 1H

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14y ago

H, N, O, and Fe, respectively.

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8y ago

C, Al, H, O, Na

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15y ago

O and H

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Q: What are the chemical symbols for the elements carbon aluminum hydrogen oxygen and sodium?
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Symbols of chemical elements are derived from the chemical name.

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This combination of symbols is known as a chemical formula.

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Chemical symbols indicate elements.

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Letters are used for chemical symbols today. Each element on the periodic table is represented by a unique one- or two-letter symbol, such as H for hydrogen or Fe for iron.

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Chemical symbols for compounds are written by combining the chemical symbols of the elements in the compound, along with subscripts to indicate the number of atoms of each element present. For example, water (H2O) is composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. The chemical symbols are always listed with the element that appears first in the compound listed first.

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