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Q: What are the substances present in urine?
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Which two substances in the plasma are not in the urine of a healthy person?

Plasma proteins and red blood cells are not excreted in urine because they remain in the blood when it is filtered through the kidneys and into the ureters. They are too big to be filtered. Most other substances present in blood are also present in urine since the kidneys filter out poisonous substances as well as substances that are present in excess such as salt and water.

Will warming up urine dilute it?

No, warming up urine will not dilute it. Dilution occurs when more liquid is added to the urine, decreasing the concentration of substances present. Heating urine does not change its chemical composition.

What are three substances normally found in blood but not in urine?

Red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets are typically present in blood but not normally found in urine.

Substances absent from filtrate and urine?

Blood, proteins, and sugars are absent from the filtrate and urine of a healthy adult. If any of these are present it is a sign that something is not right and should be addressed right away.

Which substances present in the glomerular filtrate but not normally in urine?

glucose and amino acids, because they are selectively reabsorbed in the proximal convoluted tubule.

What substances is normally present in urine?


What do you kill when it is called a uroxicide?

Uroxicide refers to the killing of urine bacteria or pathogens. It is a term used in medical contexts to describe the action of certain substances or treatments that eliminate harmful bacteria present in the urine.

What indicates the amount of dissolved substance in the urine?

The specific gravity of urine indicates the amount of dissolved substances in urine. It is a measure of the density of urine compared to water. A higher specific gravity indicates a higher concentration of dissolved substances, while a lower specific gravity indicates a lower concentration.

What substances are carried in the urethra of the male?

Urine and Sperm

What abnormal substances in a urine speciman will decrease if the urine had prolonged exposure to light?


What substances are excreted in normal urine?

excess water and other water soluble substances ......

Can you add some thing to your urine to pass a urine test?

The best thing is not to take illegal substances, then your urine will be clear.