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The six steps of pollination are the sporophyte plants with the flowers, the pollen lands on the stigma which goes down to the ovule, the sperm deposits into the embryo sac where the egg gets fertilized, a zygote is produces, the zygote turns into a an embryo, and then the ovule develops into a seed.

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Sigurd Nolan

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2y ago
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1mo ago
  1. Transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma.
  2. Pollen tube formation for fertilization.
  3. Fertilization of the egg cell to form a seed.
  4. Development of the seed within the ovary.
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12y ago

i have no idea, i thought this site would help me :(

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What is six steps to pollination?

What is six steps to pollination?

What are the 5 steps of pollination?

i have no idea, i thought this site would help me :(

What are the steps of pollination?

There are six steps of pollination. The stamen produces pollen and then the pollen is transferred via wind. Ovules develop seeds, flowers form, and fruit develops. The final step is repeating the other five.

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The steps in angiosperm reproduction are pollination, fertilization, fruit development, and seed dispersal. Then grows bigger & bigger

What is the difference between pollination and fertilisation in flowering plants?

their is a lot of difference. they are the steps of asexual reproduction.

What are the six steps of pollination?

There are six steps of pollination. The stamen produces pollen and then the pollen is transferred via wind. Ovules develop seeds, flowers form, and fruit develops. The final step is repeating the other five.

What are the three types of pollination?

self-pollination cross-pollination wind-pollination

Distinguish between self-pollination cross-pollination?

The process of pollination from same flower is called self-pollination. the process of pollination from another flower of same breed is called cross-pollination.

Which happens first pollination or fertilation?

Pollination. Fertilization is what occurs after pollination.

What are the 2 different methods of pollination?

The two main types of pollination are self (or autogamous) pollination and cross (or heterogamous) pollination. Self pollination - is when pollination is tansfer from the anther to the stigma of the same flower. Cross pollintion - is when pollination is transfer from the anther to the stigma of another flower

What type of pollination takes place in maize?

Maize is primarily wind-pollinated, as the male flowers (tassels) release pollen that is carried by the wind to the female flowers (silks) for fertilization. Insects can also play a role in maize pollination, but wind is the dominant method.

What are the three ways in which pollination can occur?

Pollination can occur through wind, animals (such as bees, butterflies, and birds), and self-pollination (where pollen is transferred from the anther to the stigma of the same flower or a different flower on the same plant).