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Q: What are the steps in using sugar for energy?
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What is the call of sugar in the plant?

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants produce sugar (glucose) using sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide. This sugar is then stored or used as energy for the plant's growth and metabolism.

What process do plants use to convert kinetic energy from the sun into the potential energy of sugar?

Plants convert kinetic energy from the sun into the potential energy of sugar through photosynthesis. This process involves using sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to produce glucose and oxygen. The sunlight is absorbed by chlorophyll in the plant's leaves, which initiates a series of chemical reactions that ultimately result in the formation of sugar.

What are the chemicals that are converted to sugar and oxygen during photosynthesis?

Six water molecules (H2O) and six Carbon Dioxide molecules (CO2) are broken apart using energy that originally comes from the sun. The resulting atoms are reformed to make one glucose molecule (C6H12O6), and six oxygen molecules (O2). There are a several steps to this reaction, but you only asked about where the atoms come from to form the sugar.

What process are oxygen and sugar the products of?

Oxygen and sugar are products of the process of photosynthesis, which occurs in the chloroplasts of plant cells. In this process, carbon dioxide and water are used to produce glucose (sugar) and oxygen using sunlight as an energy source.

How do chloroplasts turn sun energy into sugar?

Chloroplasts use a process called photosynthesis to convert sunlight into sugar. This process involves capturing sunlight with pigments like chlorophyll, using the energy to split water molecules, and then combining the hydrogen from water with carbon dioxide to produce sugar molecules. These sugar molecules are then used as energy sources for the plant.

Related questions

What is a control sugar craving?

A control for sugar craving is used to describe a system or steps undertaken to prevent a sugar craving. These steps can include distraction, using other food substitutions such as fruits, or even motivation.

Does a plant break down sugar and releases energy using a process called femantation?

Yes they break down sugar and realeses energy using a process called femantation

Why are mitochondria important to a plant cells?

-because mitochondria make energy. -they use sugar and oxyen to make energy in the process called cellular respiration. -fermination make energy using sugar for animals. -and photosynthes make energy using water,carbon dioxiode, and sunlight using chloroplast.

What is the production of energy rich sugar molecules using light energy called?


What happens if there is not enough sugar in the body?

sugar is needed for energy. If you do not eat, your body will scavenge sugar out of storage forms in the liver and muscles. if that runs out, it will start to burn fat to get energy. protein can also be converted to energy. basically if you run out of sugar, your body will begin using what it can to keep the energy flowing by scavenging parts of the body.

What is photsysthesis?

Using light energy to convert CO2 and H2O into sugar and free oxygen.

Where do cells get to produce the energy from?

Animal cells use forms of sugar to make energy using the organelles called mitochondria.

What is the call of sugar in the plant?

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants produce sugar (glucose) using sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide. This sugar is then stored or used as energy for the plant's growth and metabolism.

Can you make electricity using energy drinks?

Nope. Sugar water doesn't carry or conduct electricity.

What is the principle role of sugar in living things?

Sugar serves as a source of energy for living organisms. It is broken down during cellular respiration to produce ATP, which is used as the primary energy source for various biological processes. Additionally, sugar molecules are used in the synthesis of structural components such as cell membranes and cell walls.

Can produce energy?

Plants do produce energy.Photosynthesis is the process of using photons of light to produce glucose, the plant's energy can it prouce energy tell the steps to understand it u noob.

Does a leaf convert solar energy into sugar?

Not really. The solar energy is used by the leaf to make glucose using water and CO2. Consider solar energy the fire when someone is cooking. :)