Polymerization describes the formation of of large molecules (polymers) with repeating structure from smaller molecules (monomers) . The word polymer comes from Greek words meaning many (poly-) and parts (-mer). Many of the resulting molecules are plastics, so polymer is occasionally used in place of the word plastic, though this is not an accurate usage. Polymerization is an all-encompassing term that describes formation of polymers by any method.
There are two main types of polymerization; addition polymerization and condensation polymerization. Addition polymerization creates larger molecules by opening up double bonds on the smaller molecules (monomers). These opened-up bonds react with parts of other monomers (single part) to form dimers (double part). This reaction can repeat to add another molecule to for a trimer (three part). This continues until you obtain the right size molecule and you stop the reaction. Addition polymerixation can occur using a single type of monomer. There are no by products of the reaction except the longer chain molecules (polymers).
In condensation polymerization, two monomers of different types are used. They have different types of reactive (or functional) groups on them. A reaction between monomer A and monomer B results in a dimer, plus another small molecule (often water) that is not part of the polymer. To create long polymers the monomers must have reactive groups on both ends or a chain cannot be formed.
Polymerization is an all-encompassing term for creating polymers by any method. Condensation Polymerization is a term denoting a specific type of reaction for creating polymers.
Both addition polymerization and condensation polymerization are methods used to create long chains of repeating monomer units. In addition polymerization, the monomers react with each other without the formation of any byproducts, while in condensation polymerization, small molecules are released as byproducts. Both processes result in the formation of polymer chains through covalent bonds between monomer units.
the structural unit of step reaction polymerization are chemically identical to the monomer employed in the reaction while those of the chain reaction may or may not be identical
addition or step polymers take their names from their starting monomers while those of the chain reaction is not so
The are severalÊ difference between addition and condensation polymerization.ÊThey include,Ê in addition polymerization monomers join up to form single substance without loss of any molecule unlike the later where there is loss of molecules,Ê reacting monomers have multipleÊ bondÊ in addition polymerization unlike the later whereÊ only functional groups of two monomers react, saturated monomers react in additional polymerization while the later involve unsaturated molecules and additional polymerization is a rapid process that produce high molecular weight polymers.
Addition P - monomers join together to give a single product without loss of any molecule .
- exp : ethene to polyethene
n(ch2=ch2) -> --{--ch2-ch2-ch2-ch2--}--n
Condensation P - monomers join together in which a small molecule is remove such as h20 or HCl
- 1. Polyester (repeating unit held together by ester bond )
carboxylic acid + alcohol
b. RCOOCl + HOR -> RCOOR + HCl
-2. Polyamides (monomers held together by peptide bond/ amide linkage )
b. RCOOCl + NH2R -> RCONHR + HCl
In polymerization, a water molecule is often eliminated as a byproduct in a condensation reaction between monomers. This process is known as dehydration synthesis. In the breakdown of a polymer via hydrolysis, water molecules are used to break the covalent bonds between monomers, resulting in the degradation of the polymer into its constituent monomer units.
it is the fusing together of monomers and hydrocarbons by using heat.addition to above answere.it is the addition of monomer molecules to form bigger particle which is called polymer.the reaction is carried out by heat, and catalyst like potassium per sulphate,cumene peroxide,s.m.b.s.etc.as well as emusifier is must for emulsion polymerisation.the molecular wt. of polymer is much more than monomer.
Nucleotides polymerize through a condensation reaction between the phosphate group of one nucleotide and the sugar group of another nucleotide. This forms a phosphodiester bond, linking the nucleotides together to form a nucleic acid chain. DNA and RNA are examples of nucleic acids formed by polymerization of nucleotides.
The condensation polymerization takes place by removal of water molecules from organic molecules as formation of Bakelite , Terylene and Nylon. in plants starch is also formed by this mechanism from Glucose molecules.
Ring-opening polymerization involves the opening of cyclic monomers with formation of linear polymer chains, while ring-opening metathesis polymerization involves the redistribution of double bonds in cyclic monomers to form a polymer chain. Ring-opening polymerization can use a variety of monomers, whereas ring-opening metathesis polymerization is typically limited to cyclic olefins. Additionally, ring-opening polymerization relies on nucleophilic or electrophilic initiators, while ring-opening metathesis polymerization relies on metal catalysts.
Condensation polymerization is known as step growth polymerization because it involves the repeated condensation reactions between monomers, leading to the formation of polymer chains through step-by-step reactions. This process typically results in the gradual elongation of the polymer chains in a stepwise manner, hence the name "step growth."
the structural unit of step reaction polymerization are chemically identical to the monomer employed in the reaction while those of the chain reaction may or may not be identical addition or step polymers take their names from their starting monomers while those of the chain reaction is not so
The chemical reaction that links monomers together to form polymers is called polymerization. During polymerization, monomers undergo a process where their chemical bonds are broken and new bonds are formed between the monomer units, resulting in a chain-like structure of repeating units known as a polymer. This process can be initiated by heat, light, or the addition of a catalyst.
Large molecules are typically formed through a process of polymerization, which involves the linking together of smaller molecules called monomers through chemical reactions like condensation or addition reactions. These reactions create strong covalent bonds between the monomers, leading to the formation of polymers with higher molecular weight.
Similarities: Both suspension and emulsion free polymerization techniques involve dispersing monomer droplets in water to form polymer particles. Differences: In suspension polymerization, monomer droplets are dispersed directly in the aqueous phase, while in emulsion polymerization, an emulsifier is used to stabilize the monomer droplets and prevent coalescence. Emulsion polymerization typically results in smaller particle sizes and a more stable polymer dispersion compared to suspension polymerization. Emulsion polymerization allows for the incorporation of water-insoluble monomers and surfactants, while suspension polymerization is limited to water-soluble or water-dispersible monomers.
Condensation polymerization occurs when monomers with two or more functional groups, such as -OH or -COOH, react to form a polymer chain along with the release of a small molecule like water or HCl. This reaction involves the formation of covalent bonds between monomers through condensation reactions, leading to the growth of the polymer chain. The process continues until all the monomers have reacted or the polymer reaches a desired length.
Condensation polymerization between two amino acids involves the removal of a water molecule to form a peptide bond. One amino acid donates an amine group (-NH2) while the other donates a carboxyl group (-COOH), forming a peptide bond (-CO-NH-). This reaction occurs through a nucleophilic acyl substitution reaction.
Alkene monomers join together through a process called polymerization, specifically in a reaction known as addition polymerization. This involves the breaking of the double bond in the alkene monomers and the formation of new single bonds between the carbon atoms, thus creating a chain-like structure known as a polymer. This reaction is typically catalyzed by a catalyst such as a transition metal complex.
Condensation reaction creates a covalent bond between 2 interacting subunits, linking them to each other while hydrolysis reaction is a catabolic reaction in which a water molecule is used to break a covalent bond holding subunits together.
In polymerization, a water molecule is often eliminated as a byproduct in a condensation reaction between monomers. This process is known as dehydration synthesis. In the breakdown of a polymer via hydrolysis, water molecules are used to break the covalent bonds between monomers, resulting in the degradation of the polymer into its constituent monomer units.
The formation of a peptide linkage between amino acids is a condensation reaction, specifically a dehydration synthesis reaction. The other product in addition to the dipeptide is a molecule of water.
it is the fusing together of monomers and hydrocarbons by using heat.addition to above answere.it is the addition of monomer molecules to form bigger particle which is called polymer.the reaction is carried out by heat, and catalyst like potassium per sulphate,cumene peroxide,s.m.b.s.etc.as well as emusifier is must for emulsion polymerisation.the molecular wt. of polymer is much more than monomer.