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Well bacterial growth curve give simply the time vs no of cell curve which can be consider for different bacteria that at which temprature and pH they can stop growing, which would help in preserving food.

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16y ago
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4mo ago

Understanding bacterial growth curves in food helps in determining the optimal conditions for food preservation methods like refrigeration, canning, and drying. By knowing the lag, exponential, stationary, and death phases of bacterial growth, food producers can implement control measures to prevent bacterial contamination and spoilage, ultimately extending the shelf life of the food products. Monitoring bacterial growth curves also ensures food safety by preventing the growth of harmful bacteria that can cause foodborne illnesses.

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14y ago

The bacterial growth curve shows how fast certain bacteria reproduce and how many bacteria will survive in a set amount of media. If prepared correctly, the curve will get higher and higher for a certain amount of time, taper off and remain constant, and then begin to sharply decline due to over-crowding. In a clinical setting, this could be used to identify the species (or at least the genera or family) of a bacterial infection as all bacteria have a specific "signature" on their growth curve.

normaly bacterial cells are multibily -binery or other fashion, bacterial growth mean increasment of both baterial number and size,this growth curve divided into 4 phase 1)lag phase 2)log phase 3)maximum statioinory phase 4)death phase

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11y ago

in order to determine and understand the population growth dynamics of bacterial culture. In addition it help to plot a portion of a growth curve and determine the generation time of bacterial cultures.

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During which phase of the bacterial growth curve does the total number of viable cells decline?

The death phase of the bacterial growth curve is when the total number of viable cells decline due to factors such as nutrient depletion, waste accumulation, and adverse environmental conditions that lead to cell death.

What does late log phase of bacterial growth curve?

The late log phase of a bacterial growth curve is a stage where the bacteria population has reached its maximum growth rate and is approaching the carrying capacity of the environment. During this phase, nutrients may start to become limited, waste products can accumulate, and bacteria may begin to enter a stationary phase or decline in numbers.

Why bacterial growth is called exponential?

Bacterial growth is called exponential because it follows a pattern where the population doubles at a constant rate over a period of time. Each new generation of bacteria doubles in number, leading to a rapid increase in population size. This results in a curve that shows exponential growth when plotted over time.

1 optical density equals how many bacterial cells?

The relationship between optical density and bacterial cell count can vary depending on the species, growth phase, and experimental conditions. Therefore, it is not possible to directly equate one optical density reading to a specific number of bacterial cells without calibration against a known standard or a standard curve.

Give methods by which bacterial growth can be measured?

Bacterial growth can be measured by counting the number of colony-forming units (CFUs) on agar plates, monitoring the turbidity of a liquid culture using a spectrophotometer, measuring the dry weight of bacterial cells, or by using automated systems that detect changes in pH or electrical impedance as bacteria grow in a liquid medium.

Related questions

Discuss a bacterial growth curve and phases of bacterial growth?

A bacterial growth curve demonstrates the pattern of bacterial population growth over time. The curve typically includes lag phase (initial period of adjustment), exponential phase (rapid growth), stationary phase (growth plateaus as resources deplete), and death phase (population decline). Understanding these phases is crucial in studying microbiology, as they provide insights into how bacteria respond to environmental conditions.

During which phase of the bacterial growth curve does the total number of viable cells decline?

The death phase of the bacterial growth curve is when the total number of viable cells decline due to factors such as nutrient depletion, waste accumulation, and adverse environmental conditions that lead to cell death.

Which phases of a typical bacterial growth curve illustrates a log change in cell number. Oviously log or growth phase is logarithmic. Is the death phase a negative log change?

The log phase of a bacterial growth curve represents exponential growth in cell number. It is followed by the stationary phase, where cell growth stabilizes. The death phase shows a decrease in cell number, but it may not necessarily follow a negative logarithmic trend.

What does exponential growth curve represent?

An exponential growth curve represents a pattern of growth where the rate of growth is proportional to the current size of the population or system. This leads to rapid and continuous acceleration in growth over time. Examples include bacterial growth in a petri dish or compound interest in finance.

What is scammon's curve of growth?

growth curve

What does late log phase of bacterial growth curve?

The late log phase of a bacterial growth curve is a stage where the bacteria population has reached its maximum growth rate and is approaching the carrying capacity of the environment. During this phase, nutrients may start to become limited, waste products can accumulate, and bacteria may begin to enter a stationary phase or decline in numbers.

Does the human population growth curve resemble the theoretical growth curve or the realized growth curve?

I think the answer is realized growth because it also includes the effect of environmental resistance and causes it to become S shaped unlike the theoretical growth curve.

What is growth curve?

A growth curve is a graphical representation of how the age of an organism increases over time.

What is the definition of population growth curve?

A population growth curve shows the change in the size of a population over time. It typically consists of four phases: exponential growth, plateau, decline, and equilibrium. The curve is often represented by an S-shaped logistic curve, which shows the pattern of population growth leveling off as it reaches carrying capacity.

What shape does a population's growth curve most closely resemble?

A population's growth curve most closely resembles an "S" shaped curve, known as the logistic growth curve. Initially, the curve rises slowly as the population grows, followed by a period of rapid growth, before leveling off as the environment's carrying capacity is reached and growth stabilizes.

What is the characteristic shape of logistic growth curve?

The classic "S" shaped curve that is characteristic of logistic growth.

What is the characteristics shape of a logistic growth curve?

The classic "S" shaped curve that is characteristic of logistic growth.