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Greenhouse Effect

  • The greenhouse effect refers to the ability of some components of the atmosphere--primarily carbon dioxide--to absorb and trap heat. While too much heat is a problem--consequences being a change in weather and climate, and a rise in sea levels--the greenhouse effect is a necessary protector of life on Earth. It lets the atmosphere function like a blanket, allowing for temperatures hospitable to the planet's life. People exhale carbon dioxide and release it into the atmosphere when burning fossil fuels and plants. Plants absorb carbon dioxide as part of photosynthesis, keeping the carbon and releasing oxygen. The moon, which has no atmosphere, has an average temperature of 0 degrees Fahrenheit (-18 degrees Celsius).

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4mo ago

Some shortfalls of the greenhouse model include simplifying complex interactions in the atmosphere, uncertainties in feedback mechanisms, limitations in representing regional climate variability, and challenges in accurately predicting future climate change impacts on a local scale.

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How do you overwinter plants in a greenhouse?

Overwinter plants in a greenhouse by simulating the season and temperature of winter in the greenhouse.

Is a bottle a good model of the natural greenhouse effect in the atmosphere?

No, a bottle is not a good model of the natural greenhouse effect in the atmosphere. The greenhouse effect in the atmosphere involves the trapping of heat by gases like carbon dioxide and water vapor, leading to warming of the Earth's surface. A bottle does not allow for the same dynamics and complexities present in the atmosphere that drive the greenhouse effect.

The trapping of heat by a planet's atmosphere is called what?

The trapping of heat by a planet's atmosphere is called the greenhouse effect. This occurs when gases like carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere trap heat radiating from the planet's surface, leading to a warming effect.

How can you use the term greenhouse gases in a sentence?

Greenhouse gases trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere, leading to global warming and climate change. Burning fossil fuels releases greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are essential in mitigating the impacts of climate change.

What is oxygens role in greenhouse gases?

Oxygen itself is not a greenhouse gas. It is a crucial component of the atmosphere and supports life on Earth. Greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor trap heat in the atmosphere, leading to the greenhouse effect and contributing to global warming.

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A person who works in a greenhouse is typically referred to as a greenhouse worker or greenhouse technician.

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