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They are all required to drive the carbon/energy cycle.

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4mo ago

Producers, like plants and algae, convert sunlight into energy through photosynthesis, forming the base of the food web by producing organic compounds. Decomposers, such as bacteria and fungi, break down dead organisms and organic matter into simpler compounds, recycling nutrients back into the ecosystem for the producers to use again. Both producers and decomposers play essential roles in energy flow and nutrient cycling within the food web.

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8y ago

producers make nature, consumers eat things, and decomposers eat the tings that are not useful

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10y ago

Producers get food for the whole system.

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Q: What are the roles of producers and decomposers in a food web?
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Describe the role of producers consumers and decomposers in a food web?

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Are phytoplankton producers?

Yes, the are producers and at the 'bottom' of the food web.

How are decomposers and producers?

Producers and decomposers are like in that they are make of living cells and form food web. One could not exist without the other.

What is an overlapping network of food chains formed by producers consumers and decomposers?

Food web

How are decomposers helpful to the food chain?

Decomposers break down dead animals, therefore they are good to the plants (producers) which are the base of the food chain/web.

How are producers and decomposers alike?

Producers and decomposers are both essential components of ecosystems. Producers, like plants, convert energy from sunlight into food through photosynthesis. Decomposers, like bacteria and fungi, break down organic matter into simpler substances, recycling nutrients back into the environment. Both play vital roles in nutrient cycling and energy flow within ecosystems.

What descirbes both a food chain and food web?

Explain how producers consumers and decomposers all have an ecosystem support the population within it

How food web in land and in water different?

Food webs on land and in the water are the same because they both have producers, consumers and decomposers.

Which cycle are decomposers found?

in a food chain or food web , at the very bottom . The food web consists in this order , from bottom to top - decomposers , producers , then herbivores , carnivores , and omnivores , as well as scavengers. Decomposers are things like bacteria - which is found almost anywhere , and fungi - more commonly known as mushrooms.

What are the key roles or niches that organism fill in their habitat?

Organisms fill various key roles or niches in their habitat, such as predators, prey, decomposers, producers, pollinators, and competitors. These roles are essential for maintaining ecological balance and the overall health of the ecosystem. Each organism plays a unique role in the food web and contributes to the functioning of the ecosystem.