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The raw materials in North Africa include oil, natural gas, phosphate, iron ore, and salt. These resources are important for the region's economy and play a significant role in its industrial and agricultural sectors.

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Q: What are the raw materials in north Africa?
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In 1861 what was produced in the north east?

Tobacco was one of the raw materials that were produced in 1861 in the North East.

Where did raw materials flow in triangle trade?

Raw materials such as sugar, cotton, and tobacco flowed from the Americas to Europe in the Triangle Trade. These raw materials were then manufactured into finished goods in Europe, which were then traded to Africa for slaves. The slaves were transported to the Americas to work on plantations, completing the triangular trade route.

What is the ratio of raw materials to product called?

The ratio of raw materials to product is called the material yield ratio. It measures the efficiency of converting raw materials into finished products.

Where did many of Britain raw materials come from?

During the 18th and 19th centuries, many of Britain's raw materials came from its colonies in North America, the Caribbean, Africa, and Asia. These resources included goods such as cotton, sugar, tea, and metals like iron and copper, which were vital for Britain's industrial development.

How are marketing process carry out for eg like raw materials what are the raw materials used in production and marketing and meaning of raw materials?

In the context of marketing, raw materials are elements or resources that are used to create a product or service. In the marketing process, raw materials can refer to data, content, imagery, or physical components that are essential for creating marketing materials such as advertisements, brochures, and social media content. Identifying, sourcing, and utilizing these raw materials effectively is crucial for developing successful marketing campaigns and strategies.

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What motivated European nations to imperialize Africa?

Europe imperialized Africa in the Berlin Conference (Scramble for Africa) in order to obtain raw materials. With the raw materials that Africa offered such as rubber, Europe was able to manufacture goods such as tires.

What trade goods move from Africa to Asia?

raw materials

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What are motives for imperialism in Africa?

The motives for imperialism in Africa is that Africa was considered primitive and left uncolonized by the Mother Countries. Africa was a battlefield for the Mother Countries for any raw materials, because the Mother Countries were running low of raw materials after the industrial revolution.

Why did Britain want raw materials from the colonies in North America?

they wanted raw materials because they could sell them for slaves and they could use them

What raw materials do you use for generation of electrical energy in south Africa?

africa resourles

Most of the raw materials that exchanged hands in the East African trade came from?

Most of the raw materials that exchanged hands in the East African trade came from Africa.

What countries continents were involved in triangle trade?

The triangle trade involved Europe, Africa, and the Americas. Europe provided manufactured goods to Africa, Africa supplied slaves to the Americas, and the Americas sent raw materials and goods back to Europe.

What Continent were involved in the triangular trade?

Africa - Southern USA - England

During the colonial era what was the main interest that europeans had in Africa and Asia?

Raw materials

A major cause of imperialism in Africa after 1870 was Europe's desire?

· For access to raw materials

What describes Africa's economy?

Export based Unstable Dependent on selling raw materials