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Complete: tu madre, il padre and su hermana

Incomplete: desole, una puta, jigallooo

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2w ago
  1. Complete combustion of methane in a gas fire produces carbon dioxide and water vapor, which are harmless. However, incomplete combustion can lead to the release of carbon monoxide, a poisonous gas that can be harmful or fatal if inhaled.

  2. Incomplete combustion can also result in the production of soot and particulate matter, which can accumulate in the chimney or on surfaces, potentially causing respiratory issues and contributing to air pollution.

  3. The presence of unburned methane in incomplete combustion can increase the risk of fire or explosion due to the buildup of flammable gas in enclosed spaces.

  4. Incomplete combustion can lead to the formation of nitrogen oxides, which are pollutants that contribute to smog and acid rain, impacting both human health and the environment.

  5. The inefficiency of incomplete combustion can result in wasted energy, leading to higher fuel consumption and increased greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to climate change.

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Bad effects of combustion reactions on human life?

Combustion reactions can release harmful gases, such as carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides, which can contribute to air pollution and respiratory issues in humans. Additionally, combustion of fossil fuels can lead to the release of greenhouse gases, contributing to global climate change and its associated health impacts. Moreover, incomplete combustion can produce particulate matter, which can worsen respiratory conditions and lead to other health problems when inhaled.

Why should the flue gas temperature be observed frequently and logged?

The flue gas temperature should be observed frequently and logged because it can provide valuable insights into the efficiency and performance of a combustion system. By monitoring the flue gas temperature, deviations from the expected temperature range can be detected, indicating potential issues such as incomplete combustion, heat exchanger fouling, or fuel supply problems. Logging these observations allows for trend analysis and helps in identifying patterns or abnormalities that may require corrective action to optimize energy efficiency and minimize emissions.

Can combustion processes cause ozone issues?

Yes, combustion processes releasing nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can lead to the formation of ground-level ozone, a major component of smog. Ozone can cause respiratory issues and other health problems, as well as contribute to environmental pollution and harm ecosystems. Implementing emission controls and using cleaner technologies can help reduce ozone formation from combustion processes.

Why is there high carbon monoxide in exhaust gas of Ford Mondeo?

High levels of carbon monoxide in the exhaust gas of a Ford Mondeo can be due to issues such as a malfunctioning catalytic converter, a faulty oxygen sensor, or an engine running too rich. These issues can lead to incomplete combustion of fuel, resulting in higher carbon monoxide emissions. Regular maintenance and proper servicing can help prevent these problems.

What are effects of combustion on human life?

Combustion can release harmful pollutants like carbon monoxide, particulate matter, and volatile organic compounds, which can negatively impact human health by causing respiratory issues, cardiovascular problems, and worsening existing conditions such as asthma. Additionally, combustion of fossil fuels contributes to climate change, leading to more extreme weather events that can also impact human life and well-being.

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well for one, the problem that you answered would be considered...complete. the other one which is not done, would be incomplete. DUH!

Why is incomplete combustion of fuels more harmful to human beings?

Incomplete combustion of fuels produces higher levels of toxic pollutants such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter, which can be harmful when inhaled. These pollutants can lead to respiratory issues, cardiovascular problems, and exacerbate existing health conditions. It also contributes to poor air quality, which poses a risk to human health at both short and long-term exposure levels.

What causes a boiler to be smokey?

The incomplete combustion resulting from a rich mixture results in smoke from the chimney. A plenty of air at the intake or a tuning of the burner usually solves the problems. Check the air filters for blockage and replace. A worn out fuel nozzle (in case of oil fired) might also be a cause of improper mixing of air and fuel resulting in incomplete combustion.

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What is an Incomplete Grade?

When a college student is unable to complete the coursework for a particular class, the instructor may give the student an incomplete grade. An incomplete grade is granted for a temporary period of time, and it gives the student an opportunity to complete the required coursework by a certain date. Read on to learn the ins and outs of getting an incomplete grade.Are college instructors required to give students an incomplete grade?No, college instructors are usually not required to give a student an incomplete grade. However, if a student has successfully completed a majority of the coursework for that class, the instructor may give the student an incomplete grade (if the student has a valid reason). There are several reasons why a student cannot the coursework for that semester or term:IllnessCar accidentA death in the immediate familySevere personal problems (e.g. divorce or financial problems)Working extra hoursHow is an incomplete grade reflected on my college transcript?If you receive an incomplete in a class, your grade for that class is I. The letter I will appear on your college transcript next to that specific class. However, once you submit the required coursework for that class, your grade will be changed to reflect the new grade. Please note that although the incomplete grade will appear on your transcript, it does not affect your grade point average.How long do I have to complete the remaining coursework?Generally speaking, you have anywhere from one semester/quarter to a year to submit your coursework for an incomplete grade. Your instructor will tell you the deadline for submitting your coursework for that class.What happens if I do not complete the required coursework by the deadline?If you fail to complete all of your coursework in a timely manner, the incomplete may automatically change to a letter grade "F" on your transcript. As a result, the F will lower your grade point average. In addition, if you receive an F in a class, you will need to take that class again (if the class is a graduation requirement for your degree program).As you can see, instructors do grant incomplete grades when it is necessary. If you ever receive an incomplete grade in a class, it is important to complete the remaining coursework by the specified due date. Keep in mind that it is your responsibility to complete your coursework for that class. Do not depend on your instructor to contact you about the incomplete grade. Be sure to follow up with your instructor and with the Registrars office at your school, once your complete your coursework for that class.

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this of what?

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Some of the problems with combustion include air pollution from the release of harmful gases and particulates, contribution to global warming through the release of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, and depletion of natural resources. Combustion also leads to the generation of ash and other waste products that need to be properly managed.

Complete explanation for pathophysiology cerebral palsy?

The pathophysiology of cerebral palsy is an injury or some other brain abnormality which happens while the brain is still developing. The condition is marked by muscle control problems and developmental delays.