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A frontal system entering an area can bring changes in weather conditions, such as precipitation, temperature shifts, and changes in wind direction. It may lead to storms, thunderstorms, or in some cases, severe weather events like tornadoes or heavy snowfall, depending on the type of front.

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Q: What are the possible effects of a frontal system entering an area?
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Do the frontal lobes have feeling of empathy?

The frontal lobes are not responsible for generating feelings of empathy. Empathy involves a complex network of brain regions, including areas such as the prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, and mirror neuron system. The frontal lobes play a role in social cognition and decision-making, which can contribute to empathetic responses.

What keeps food masses from entering the respiartory system?

The epiglottis is a flap of tissue that covers the trachea during swallowing, preventing food masses from entering the respiratory system. Additionally, the larynx closes to protect the airway while eating or drinking.

What effects the skeletal system?

Your mom that's what.

Is there another solar system entering ours?

Technically, no, because our system is named for our star or sun, "Sol". Hence, Sol-ar or Solar system. The question becomes, "Is there another star system entering ours?". In general, the parts of the universe are all moving away from each other; however, there are a number of small galaxies that appear to be slowly (millions of years) moving toward our Milky Way galaxy. But, still 'No', there are no other star systems entering ours.

What is frontal depression?

A frontal depression is a weather system that occurs when a cold air mass and a warm air mass meet. The warm air is forced to rise over the cold air, creating instability and leading to the formation of clouds, precipitation, and potentially severe weather. Frontal depressions are common in areas where different air masses frequently interact, such as in temperate regions.

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No. A tornado is a small scale but violent whirlwind. A frontal storm is a large scale system that connects to one or more fronts.

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A closed system is designed to keep additional atoms from entering or exiting. An insulated system prevents heat from entering or exiting.

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Tobacco effects mainly the respiratory system and nervous system. Alcohol effects the circulatory system the digestive system (e.g. liver) and the nervous system.

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After the system is up and running you can check the CPU and motherboard temperatures by entering setup?

Which prevents the food from entering the respiratory system?

It's entering the Urinary system, and when it's entered, it will go r past through the Large and small intenstine .

Part which prevents the food from entering the respiratory system?

It's entering the Urinary system, and when it's entered, it will go r past through the Large and small intenstine .

What keeps food masses from entering the respiratory system?

The epiglottis is the flap that prevents food and water from entering the trachea.

What happens if reactive power enters the system?

Reactive power entering the system will increase the system voltage.

What is cascading effect?

A Cascade Effect is an unforeseen chain of events due to an act affecting a system. If there is a possibility that the cascade effect will have a negative impact on the system, it is possible to analyze the effects with a impact analysis.