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Bride price policies in Kenyan societies are often determined by cultural traditions and vary among different ethnic groups. These policies may involve negotiation between the families of the bride and groom, with the groom's family offering gifts or livestock to the bride's family. In some cases, the bride price can be a significant financial burden on the groom's family and may limit access to marriage for some individuals.

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Can A negative boy marry AB positive blood girl?

Yes. Blood type does not matter when it comes to marriage or the ability to birth a child. The only thing you could possible worry about it whether or not you could be a donor for your spouse. In the case of an A- groom and an AB+ bride, the groom could donate blood to the bride (given that there aren't any atypical antibodies that would cause an incompatibility between donor and recipient blood), but the bride would not be able to donate blood to the groom.

What did a viking dowry consist of?

A Viking marriage was a contract arrangement between families, as it was in other areas of medieval Europe. Although, a woman's consent wasn't necessary, it was understood a disapproving bride would result in 'unmitigated diaster', whish could cause theendof life or limbto the groom. Three payments were made prior to the ceremony. Two by the groom. One for guardianship for the bride. One to insure her virginity. The third payment was a dowry paid to the groom by the bride's father. Weddings were held on Fridays, sacred to the goddess Frigga. Wedding celebrations often lasted all week.Autumn was a popular seasonafter the harvestwhen plenty of food was available. Honey for mead which the couple drank together was collected during the summer months. Enough mead was gathered for a month-long period known as the 'honey-moon.' The wedding ceremony was the last occasion a woman would ever be allowed to wear her hair loose. Following an exchange of swords, the couple exchanged rings. The groom entrusted a sword to the bride for the birth of their first son. Doorways were believed to be portals to other worlds and spirits were thought to gather around them. It was a bad omen for the bride to trip crossing over the threshold is why the groom carried her over. The next morning the groom presents his bride with the Morning Gift-Keys to the various locks of his house.

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If you are 16 or 17 years old, you may apply if accompanied by both parents who have given written consent. If the bride is pregnant, no parental consent is required if you submit a statement from a licensed physician certifying that the bride is pregnant. Marcy

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The ringed planet, or gods bride in some eastern cultures.

What is required for inclusion on synthetic webbing label?

A synthetic wedding label will need the bride and groom's name and the wedding date on it. You may want to include a monogram or graphic of some kind as well.