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exons - good parts of gene that code for amino acids

introns- "junk DNA" that do not code for amino acids of a protein ( before leaving the nucles mRNA must have these removed, then it can travel into the cytoplasm)

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The pieces of a split gene in eukaryotes are called exons and introns. Exons are the coding regions that are expressed and ultimately translated into proteins, while introns are non-coding regions that are removed during mRNA processing to produce the final mRNA transcript.

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Q: What are the pieces of a split gene called in eukaryotes?
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What area of a gene carries the code used to make a protein?

The coding region of a gene that carries the instructions for making a protein is called the "coding sequence" or "exon." This segment of the gene is transcribed into a messenger RNA (mRNA) molecule, which is then translated by ribosomes into a specific protein.

Which method is utilized by eukaryotes to control their gene expression that is not used in bacteria?

Eukaryotes utilize mechanisms such as chromatin remodeling, alternative splicing, and RNA interference to regulate gene expression, which are not commonly used in bacteria. These mechanisms allow for more complex and nuanced control of gene expression in eukaryotic cells.

Which are used more often in prokaryotes and eukaryotes activators or repressors?

Both activators and repressors are used in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes to regulate gene expression. However, activators are more commonly used in eukaryotes, while repressors tend to be more prevalent in prokaryotes.

What is a cell making a copy of a gene called?

It is called gene replication or gene duplication.

Regulatory proteins in eukaryotes that are involved in controlling the onset of transcription are called?

Transcription factors are regulatory proteins in eukaryotes that control the initiation of transcription by binding to specific DNA sequences near genes and either activating or repressing their transcription. This binding helps regulate the expression of genes by influencing the binding of RNA polymerase to the promoter region of a gene.

Related questions

What is the main purpose of gene regulation in eukaryotes?

The main purpose of gene regulation in eukaryotes is to control which genes are turned on or off in response to internal and external signals. This allows for precise control of gene expression, ensuring that the right genes are expressed at the right time and in the right amount for proper cell function and development.

What region of prokaryotic gene is analogous to the enhancer region of a eukaryotic gene?

In prokaryotes, the regulatory region of a gene where transcription factors bind to enhance gene expression is called the promoter region. While prokaryotes do not have enhancer regions like eukaryotes, they can have operator regions where repressor proteins bind to downregulate gene expression.

In the binding of RNA polymerase to a gene requires the aid of a transcription factor?

Yes, transcription factors are proteins that help RNA polymerase bind to specific sites on the DNA, known as promoter regions, to initiate transcription of a gene. They help regulate gene expression by promoting or inhibiting the binding of RNA polymerase to the gene.

In eukaryotes gene expression is related to the coiling and uncoiling of what?

In eukaryotes, gene expression is related to the coiling and uncoiling of DNA around histone proteins, forming chromatin. When DNA is tightly coiled around histones, it is less accessible for transcription, leading to reduced gene expression. When DNA is unwound, gene expression is more likely to occur.

What area of a gene carries the code used to make a protein?

The coding region of a gene that carries the instructions for making a protein is called the "coding sequence" or "exon." This segment of the gene is transcribed into a messenger RNA (mRNA) molecule, which is then translated by ribosomes into a specific protein.

How do eukaryotes cells regulate gene expression?

the molecules of the bolecules conjogulate with the dna polymers, which disattches with the conjolecules.

Which method is utilized by eukaryotes to control their gene expression that is not used in bacteria?

Eukaryotes utilize mechanisms such as chromatin remodeling, alternative splicing, and RNA interference to regulate gene expression, which are not commonly used in bacteria. These mechanisms allow for more complex and nuanced control of gene expression in eukaryotic cells.

What makes the beginning of a new gene on DNA in eukaryotes?

The beginning of a new gene on DNA in eukaryotes is marked by the promoter region, which is a specific sequence of nucleotides that initiates the process of transcription by binding to RNA polymerase. This binding signals the start of gene transcription, allowing the RNA polymerase to begin synthesizing a complementary RNA molecule from the DNA template.

In a eukaryote what is a segment of a gene that codes for a protein?

A segment of a gene that codes for a protein is called an exon. Exons are the parts of a gene that are ultimately expressed as proteins after being transcribed and translated. They are interspersed with non-coding regions called introns.

A gene that can be masked by another gene is called?

A gene that can be masked by another gene is referred to as a recessive gene. This means that the trait associated with the recessive gene is expressed only when two copies of the gene are present.

A general scheme for genetic engineering is?

obtain DNA with the desired gene, cut the DNA into pieces, copy the pieces of DNA, identify copies of the desired gene, and transfer the desired gene to the recipient organism. for Plato the answer is A. not B. C. or D.

If you place gene in reverse orientation how can it be detected?

Most genes contain restrictions sites. Once you've inserted your gene into the vector you use restrictions sites in the gene and the vector to cut the vector into smaller pieces. If the pieces correspond to the pattern you expect for a reverse orientated gene then you know it is in the reverse orientation.