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Examples: density, hardness, boiling point, refractive index.

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Q: What are the physical properties of a substance give three examples?
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What are 3 intensive physical properties?

Density, melting point, and boiling point are three examples of intensive physical properties. These properties do not depend on the amount of substance present and are useful for identifying and characterizing materials.

What are three examples of physical property?

Three examples of physical properties are color, density, and melting point. These properties can be observed and measured without changing the composition of the substance.

What are the three differences in the physical properties of potassium and water?

Examples: density, reactivity, phase.

What are three physical properties?

Density, color, and texture are three examples of physical properties. Density is the mass per unit volume of a substance, color refers to the visual appearance of an object when light is reflected off it, and texture describes the feel and appearance of a surface.

What kind of change happens when the composition of a substance does not change?

A physical change occurs when the composition of a substance does not change. This means the substance retains its chemical identity but may undergo a change in its physical properties like shape, size, or state of matter. Examples include melting, freezing, boiling, or dissolving.

What are the physical properties of a donut?

Mass, volume, and density are three physical properties of a doughnut.

Name three physical properties that can help identify a substance?

Density, melting point, and boiling point are three physical properties that can help identify a substance. These properties are inherent to the substance and can be used to distinguish it from other substances.

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List three physical properties?

If you actually mean the three states of matter, then your answer is liquid, solid, and gas. Plasmas and Bose-Einstein condensates are two other states of matter, extreme heat and extreme cold respectively, but you probably do not need to worry about those.If you actually mean physical properties, then your answer is probably based off of a test or worksheet or something like that for school, because there are way more then just three physical properties.

What physical properties are intensive?

The three intensive physical properties are density, boiling point and melting point.

What are the three physical forms in which a substance can exist?

They are the three states of matter.SolidLiquidGas

What makes a physical property a characteristic physical property?

A characteristic physical property is a unique and distinctive feature of a substance that remains constant regardless of the amount or conditions. These properties can be used to identify and distinguish substances from one another. Examples include boiling point, density, and color.