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i gonna make this simple i suppose it would be a isthmus

Isthmus -

  • a relatively narrow strip of land (with water on both sides) connecting two larger land areas
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13y ago
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3mo ago

Panama is primarily composed of low-lying coastal plains and mountainous terrain. The country is characterized by a narrow isthmus that connects North and South America. Additionally, Panama features tropical rainforests and a diverse range of flora and fauna.

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6y ago

Panama is an isthmus. It has mountains, islands, rivers, and swamps. It also has the Panama Canal.

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13y ago

The mountain ranges that divide Panama, Gatun Lake, and, of course, Volcan Baru

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15y ago

Central highlands, Atlantic lowland, and the Pacific Oceans Central Highlands, Atlantic Lowlands, Pacific Lowlands

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8y ago

Panama is an Isthmus, which is a narrow strip of land bridging two larger landmasses.

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10y ago

There are several land forms that are in Central America. There are volcanoes, the Sierra Madre de Chiapa Mountains, the Cordillera Isabelia, and the Cordillera Talamanca.

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13y ago

The major landforms are plateaus, isthmus, coral, pampas, tributaries, mountains, and volcanoes.

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15y ago

the panama canal

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11y ago

I think it's a isthmus.

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