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Q: What are the major body parts derived from mesoderm?
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What germ layer is the heart derived from?

The heart is derived from the mesoderm, along with skeletal muscles and some other body organs.

Mollusks are known as coelomates why?

the body cavity between the digestive system and the body wall is completely lined by tissue derived from mesoderm.

What are the 3 three parts of the human body?

The three main parts of the human body are the head, torso, and limbs. The head includes the brain and sensory organs, the torso houses vital organs like the heart and lungs, and the limbs, including arms and legs, enable movement and manipulation.

Chordates have a true body cavity called a?

yes, I think it's called coelom. An organism with a true body cavity is called a eucoelomate. This means that the body cavity exists between the inner layer of mesoderm and the outer layer of mesoderm. A pseudocelomate kind of has a body cavity but it is the space between the endoderm and mesoderm. This is not a true body cavity because it is not mesoderm on mesoderm.

What do you mean by diploplastic?

Diploblastic is generally referred to as "having a body derived from only two embryonic cell layers (ectoderm and endoderm, but no mesoderm), as in sponges and coelenterates".

What is coelom and give its types?

coelom is a fluid filled cavity within the body between the epidermis and gut it is derived from mesoderm there are three types of coelomic cavity they are coelomemates psuedo coelomates and acoelomates

What structure supports a butterflies instead of a backbone?

A notochord. The notochord is a flexible, rod-shaped body found in embryos of all chordates. It is composed of cells derived from the mesoderm and defines the primitive axis of the embryo.

Describe a body position that can exist when all major body parts are flexed?

A fetal position where the spine is flexed, knees are drawn towards the chest, and arms are wrapped around the legs.

Are earthworms diploblast or triploblast?

Earthworms are Coelomates. They posses a true coelom, which is a body cavity that is completely lined by tissue derived from the mesoderm. This body cavity can either be empty air-filled space separating the digestive tract from the outer body wall, or fluid-filled space. Since triploblastic animals are defined as animals having three germ layers, earthworms is considered a triploblastic animal for it possess a endoderm, a mesoderm, and a ectoderm.

A pseudocoelom is a body cavity located between the endoderm and the mesoderm?

A pseudocoelom is a partially lined body cavity found in some invertebrates and primitive vertebrates. It is located between the endoderm and the mesoderm tissue layers in these organisms.

Body cavity only partially lined with mesoderm?

The body cavity is known as a pseudocoelom. It is located between the body wall and the digestive tract in some invertebrates and is only partially lined with mesoderm. This arrangement provides some support and protection to the organs within the cavity.

What kind of body plan do vertebrates have?

they are coelomates, which means that their body cavity is fully lined with the mesoderm.