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The inner planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. The outer planets (they are separated by the asteroid belt) are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The outer planets are different than the inner planets because the outer planets are not solid. They are all made up of gas. However, the inner planets are rocky and hard.

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4d ago

The inner planets of our solar system are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, while the outer planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Inner planets are smaller, rocky, and have solid surfaces, whereas outer planets are larger, gaseous, and have no solid surfaces. The inner planets are much closer to the Sun compared to the outer planets.

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Q: What are the inner planets and the outer planets and how do the planets in the two groups differ?
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How do inner planets differ?

Inner planets differ from outer planets because they have rocky core (excepting Pluto), and the are much smaller than outer planets, which are bigger and take more time to orbit Sun than inner planets because of their location. Outer planets are farther from the Sun than inner planets.

How do inner planets differ from the outer one?

They have rocky surfaces.

What criteria are the planets placed into either the inner or outer groups?

Gas giants (for the outer planets), versus rocky planets.

How do the surface materials of the inner and outer planets differ?

The inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars) have rocky surfaces composed of silicate minerals and metals. The outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) have gas surfaces, primarily composed of hydrogen and helium. Additionally, outer planets may have icy surfaces due to the presence of water and other ices.

How do the inner planets differ from the outer?

The inner planets are smaller, denser, and rocky, while the outer planets are larger, less dense, and composed mostly of gas. Inner planets are closer to the sun and have shorter orbits, while outer planets are farther away and have longer orbits. Additionally, inner planets have few or no moons, while outer planets have numerous moons.

What 3 ways do inner planets differ from outer planets?

Inner planets are smaller and made of rock and metal, while outer planets are larger and predominantly made of gas and ice. Inner planets have few or no moons, while outer planets have numerous moons. Inner planets have solid surfaces, while outer planets do not have solid surfaces, instead having thick atmospheres.

How are the inner and outer planets alike and different?

Inner and outer planets are both part of the solar system, but they differ in composition and location. Inner planets are rocky and located closer to the sun, while outer planets are gas giants and located farther away. Both sets of planets have natural satellites, but the outer planets tend to have more moons.

How do the inner and outer planets atmosphere different?

the outer planets are gaseous and the inner planets are not

What are 3 special characteristics of the three outer planets?

Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and has a system of rings surrounding it. Saturn is known for its prominent and extensive ring system made of ice and rock particles. Uranus rotates on its side, causing it to have extreme seasons and unique magnetic field properties.

What do the outer planets have that the inner planets do not have?

outer planets are gas giants whille inner planets are just rocky planets. that includes that outer planets have significant amount of mass than the inner planets

What is the inner and outer planets and contrast the two groups of planets?

The four inner, rocky planets are also known as the terrestrial planets. These are; Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. The four outer gas giant planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. The inner planets are smaller and have a higher average density. The outer planets are much larger, but have no real surface - just atmosphere that gets thicker as you travel inwards. The outer planets all have a ring system (the inner planets dont) while the outer planets have captured a lot more natural satellites or moons than the inner planets.

Are the inner and outer planets different?

The inner planets are all rocky planets. The outer planets are completely made up of gases. The inner planets are much smaller than the outer planets.