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Redi's experiment showed that the idea of organisms originating from non-living matter (as shown by the presence of meat), was incorrect. He believed in the concept of abiogenesis (a-not-bio-life genesis-origin)

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16y ago
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3mo ago

Francesco Redi is known for his experiments that disproved the theory of spontaneous generation, providing evidence for the concept of biogenesis. He also made important contributions to the field of parasitology by studying the life cycle of parasites. Additionally, Redi's work helped to pave the way for the development of experimental Biology as a scientific discipline.

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15y ago

First of all, his first name is not "francisco" it is "Francesco".

As far as I know Redi made no contribution to anatomy. However, he did make a major contribution to microbiology in 1668 by disproving the Theory of Spontaneous Generation (also known as abiogenesis). He did this by proving maggots come from flies laying eggs. This took two separate experiments due to skeptics. The first time around Redi put rotten meat in six jars. He covered three of the jars and left three open to the air. The three open to the air produced maggots because the flies could lay their eggs there. The covered jars did not because flies were not able to enter the jars. However, supporters of Spontaneous Generation claimed that it was lack of open air to the meat not egg-laying flies. In response to the skeptics, Redi prepared a second trial. This time he covered three jars with a fine net and left the other three open to the air again. This left the jars covered by the net open to the air but prevented flies from entering the jars. Just as he had proved earlier when flies were prevented from entering the jars to lay eggs no maggots appeared.

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10y ago

Francesco's work to disprove abiogenesis, or spontaneous generation, would later play a crucial role in the development of cell theory. His belief about cells was that all living organisms are made up of individual biological cells.

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15y ago

Dr. Redi's hypothesis was that living things DO NOT come from non-living things. He disproved spontaneous generation.

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12y ago

Well, I DON'T KNOW. This site is supposed to be giving me answer! NOT ASKING ME THE SAME QUESTION I ASKED! Tss. This is just annoying. VERY ANNOYING.

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13y ago

He disproved the theory of spontaneous generation of maggots.

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Francesco Redi's last name is Redi.

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Francesco Redi was an Italian physician who in 1668 proposed a different hypothesis for the appearance of maggots from meat than spontaneous generation, formed by the Greek philosepher Aristotle. He tested his hypothesis by using a covered jar of meat and an uncovered jar of meat and concluded that maggots appeared because of the flies. wrrd

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Francesco Redi proved the theory of spontaneous generation.

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redi's middle name is mulala

Where was Francesco Redi from?

Arezzo, Italy

What did francesco redi prove?

Francesco Redi's conclusion was that all organisms come from other organisms of the same kind.

When was Redi Francesco born?

Redi was born Feburary 19, 1626 in Arezzo, Italy

Why is Francesco Redi's research considered important and how did his research impact society?

because he discorvered that spontanious generation is wrong.

Did Francesco Redi with a nobel piece prize?

No, Francesco Redi did not win a Nobel Prize. He was an Italian physician and naturalist known for his experiments disproving spontaneous generation.

Was francesco redi married?

Francesco Redi was a doctor and naturalist who was born in Arezzo, Italy on February 18, 1626. Redi was also a published poet. He never married.

Who is redi took?

Redi took might refer to Francesco Redi, the Italian naturalist, physician, and poet. Redi took might also refer to the Redi Clinic in Houston, Texas.

What awards did francesco redi recived?

Francesco Redi, an Italian physician and scientist, did not receive any awards during his lifetime. However, his work on disproving the theory of spontaneous generation through his famous experiments with maggots did contribute significantly to the field of biology.